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The Architects of Chaos
The Architects of Chaos
  • January 17, 2025
  • | 1

The Architects of Chaos

In Haiti, chaos is not a simple consequence of events, but a carefully crafted product of actors whose decisions—or lack thereof—worsen the crisis every day. At the head of this orchestration of failures is the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT), led by architect Leslie Voltaire since October 2024. Presented as a temporary solution to get Haïti out of its impasse, the CPT quickly proved ineffective and incapable of responding to the country’s urgent challenges.

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French : Les architectes du chaos

Spanish : Los arquitectos del caos

Chaotic Leadership

Created in April 2024, the CPT raised many hopes under the leadership of Edgar Leblanc Fils, Coordinator of the political party Organization of the People in Struggle (OPL). But these hopes were quickly extinguished. Internal divisions, poor governance, and corruption scandals have transformed this body into a caricature of administrative inefficiency. In less than a year, the CPT has become a symbol of impotence, unable to propose concrete solutions to the political crisis that has paralyzed Haïti since the fall of the Duvalier regime and which worsened after the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse in 2021. The fall of the Duvalier regime raised a lot of hope, but as Meudec states, “The liberating surge of 1986 was followed by a form of stagnation in the political transition process marked by the return of corruption and violence” (Meudec 2007, 47). Indeed, after approximately 39 years of “democratic governance,” the country is nothing but chaos and desolation.

The country has remained without elections since 2016, reinforcing the illegitimacy of the institutions. The economic and political elite contribute to this blockage by refusing the reforms necessary to establish a climate of trust and stability. Far from being victims, these elites take advantage of the ambient disorder to maintain their privileges.

A chaotic economy

The Haitian chaos is as much economic as political. According to the report of the Haitian Institute of Statistics and Informatics (IHSI), the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) contracted by 4.2% when comparing the last two fiscal years, going from 592.7 billion gourdes for the 2022-2023 fiscal year to 568.0 billion gourdes for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. According to the IHSI, this fall “constitutes the largest decline in the economy ever recorded since the 5.7% fall in GDP in 2009-2010, following the devastating earthquake of January 12 of the same year” (IHSI 2024, 4). The country ends 2024 with an inflation rate of 25.8% (IHSI 2024, 4). Daily survival has become a struggle for the majority of Haitians. Informal trade dominates the economy, accounting for nearly 80% of activities, while foreign investment is almost non-existent.

The Presidential Transitional Council, under the leadership of architect Leslie Voltaire, has shown no strategic vision to revive the economy. Economic plans are non-existent, and international funds often disappear into opaque circuits, further fueling systemic corruption. This corruption is not only the work of politicians. Indeed, economic and political elites, by controlling key sectors such as food and energy imports as well as internal security, participate in the perpetuation of poverty and dependency.

A chaotic security situation

Gang violence has become the main factor of instability in the country. These gangs dictate their laws, extort citizens, prevent access to essential services, and force thousands of people to flee their homes. According to the Haïti Expert Group, the number of displaced people in Haïti is estimated at more than 500,000 people by June 2024, an increase of nearly 60% compared to March 2024 (Haïti Expert Group 2024, 29).

We are also witnessing a process of transmission of violence to children. Recruited by force or lured by illusory promises of power and wealth, these children become both victims and instruments of violence. The Haïti Expert Group states that “the recruitment of children as young as 10 years old by gangs has increased considerably and children may now represent up to 50% of all gang members” (Haïti Expert Group 2024, 31). Lack of education, poverty and lack of prospects are the main drivers of this mass enrollment and contribute to the process of maintaining chaos.

Beven brings Haïti among the elite of world slam

This Thursday, November 14, 2024, the young slam artist Youven Beaubrun, Beven by his stage name, qualified Haiti, for the very first time in its history, for the final of the Slam World Cup. This competition, which brings together the best slam artists on the planet, took place on African soil, more precisely in Togo. In a country held by the throat, a country that is dying from start to finish, under the dangerous feat of a certain armed part of its youth, Beven’s extraordinary performance in this competition resonates with the echo of a whole piece of the country, in the thirst for beauty. Beven is the symbol of a youth that refuses to give in to the chaos that surrounds the face of its motherland. Art, slam being his field of specialization, is used in the best possible way to make hope resonate. And to continue to believe that a country that made 1804 cannot afford the luxury of sinking so hard in the face of human history. "It is with pride that I advanced in this competition. Especially with the crisis that is going through the country at the moment. My qualification for the final is an eternal sign of hope, which confirms the fact that not everything in this country will end in death," the young slammer told us before going to compete in the final. The final took place on Saturday, November 16, 2024, where Beven had his chance to represent his wounded land well on the doorstep of a world victory, a victory that if it had taken place, would have been initialed in the name of an entire people, in the absolute race against a great chaos that dreams only of suffocating it. Although he failed to win this cup (finishing in sixth place overall), the Haitian slam champion had time to inspire an entire country during his great journey in this competition. This is only a postponement, next time victory will be achieved for sure.

A hypothetical future

Haitian youth, who represent more than 60% of the population, are both the main victims of this chaos and their greatest chance for recovery. However, political and economic actors ignore this potential, preferring to exploit this vital force for destructive purposes, as evidenced by the massive enrollment of young people in gangs.

However, with targeted investments in education, vocational training and entrepreneurship, these young people could become an essential lever for reconstruction. Local initiatives, supported by civil society and international partners, must aim to offer viable opportunities to these young people, in order to divert their energy from gangs and use it to build a more just and united society.

Build or destroy?

The chaos that Haïti is experiencing today is not the result of inevitability. It is the result of a chronic lack of leadership, systemic corruption and the complicity of elites who profit from the ambient disorder. The architects of chaos are not anonymous figures: they occupy positions of power and their decisions shape the country’s collapse every day.

To escape this spiral, a complete overhaul of institutions and a renewal of political and economic elites are essential. Haïti will only be able to recover with truly committed leaders, breaking with the dominant habitus, and a mobilized, committed and combative youth. The architects of chaos must give way to the builders of hope, because only a collective commitment, built on the ideal of freedom for all of the Fathers of the nation, will allow Haïti to regain its dignity and stability.

Citizen Ken

January 7, 2025


Meudec, Marie. 2007. Corps, violence et politique en Haïti. Sociological aspects.. Sociological aspects, 14, 1. ⟨hal-01636285⟩: 1-27. United Nations. 2024. Final report of the Group of Experts on Haiti

Ministry of Economy and Finance, Haitian Institute of Statistics and Informatics. 2024. Economic accounts in 2024

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Haïti Wonderland: How to Rewrite the Narrative of Haïti on the Web?

For the last three decades the internet has transformed the way people live, access information and promote worthy causes. Institutions that embrace this technology lead the way in their respective industries and last, while countries that embrace this technology and wisely implement it enable themselves to thrive and build sustainable economies. After decades of existence, the internet has been shared with mainly two groups of people; those who use it as a tool to build, and those who use it as a tool of destruction. Those who see the internet as a bridge to make a positive impact in the world and those who see it as the comfy bed to never leave, hence, the difference between the consumer and producer. Unfortunately our beloved home, Haiti, has been of the former mindset. Is it a lack of vision, lack of skills and competences or is it lack of hard working individuals? Regardless what it is or had been for decades, now is the time to change the paradigm on all fronts necessary and reshape the future. If the past decades have been ruled by non-production and negative press, now is the time to change the paradigm by producing and using the limitless of the web to sell the beauty, the culture and the greatness of Haïti to the rest of the world. If the past has been ruled with a selective truth and an effort to showcase the worst and by extension create the worst narrative, now, my fellow Haitian, regardless of where you are on this planet, is the time for us to undertake this mission, to take responsibility and recreate the narrative of our mother land. A narrative based on truth and transparency, a narrative that tells the story of who we are and certainly who we are not, a narrative to invite the world to explore and see for themselves. It is our duty. If not now, when? If not you and I, then, who? Our main mission at Haïti Wonderland is to rewrite the narrative of Haïti on the web. Then use the internet to bring Haïti back to the top of the touristic destination map once again. Those are what motivate us, the oxygen that we breath, they are the reason we wake up in the morning and fight. We didn’t choose this path because we know it will be easy but we choose it because: 1. It is a noble cause 2. It is necessary and 3. It must be done. But must importantly we take this path because we know you and every Haitian in this world, who knows the truth about Haïti are tired with what you see when typing Haïti on the web, and at the same time understand that something must change, and it must be done as soon as possible. We know you are ready for this, and together we will change the narrative of Haïti on the web and we will bring Haïti back to the top of the touristic destination map. This is a call of duty to you, regardless of your field of endeavor or where you’re located in this world. This is a call to join ( to first see for yourself the movement you’re joining, then create your own account and start creating and sharing. Together we will rewrite the narrative of Haïti on the web. Thank you for joining this worthy cause. Let’s invite the world to discover the true face of Haiti.

Haiti: Ministry of Tourism

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Haiti: “Kanbiz Toupatou”, the new game from Katkat Games is coming soon!

For some time now, engineer Certil Rémy has enthusiastically announced the imminent release of his new game, now officially named "Kanbiz Toupatou". Details about this exciting game are now available on the official Katkat Games website: . By diving into this game, you will embark on a cultural and gastronomic journey through the treasures of the Caribbean, in particular those of Haiti. Explore the rich culture, immerse yourself in a world of authentic gastronomic delights and discover the traditional and delicious dishes of each region. This adventure promises to be extraordinary, offering an unparalleled immersion in the treasures of Haiti. From Les Anglais to La Tortue, each town crossed will offer its own culinary challenges, as well as the possibility of unlocking unique souvenirs. Collect them all to unlock new destinations and continue this captivating adventure. In "Kanbiz Toupatou", you will also have the opportunity to live a unique tourist experience by collecting souvenir cards representing the ancestors and famous sites of Haiti. Each map will bring you closer to culinary mastery and allow you to unlock exquisite new communes. Likino and Amarah will be the two main characters of the game, and you will have to choose one of them as a guide for this culinary adventure through the different stages of Haitian cuisine. With over 167 exciting levels to unlock, this game offers a great challenge to becoming a master of Haitian culture. Collect souvenirs, perfect your culinary skills and share your creations with the world! You can also invite your friends to join you on this culinary adventure, exchange memories and share tips. Prepare for an exceptional experience through the bustling streets and vibrant culture of Haiti. Although the game has not yet been launched, you can already reserve your place by adding your email address on the official Katkat Games website. You will be among the first to be informed when it is available for download. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover Haïti through "Kanbiz Toupatou", the exciting new game from Certil Rémy and the Katkat Games team. With its historic sites, tourist attractions, delicious cuisine, heavenly beaches and vibrant culture, Haïti awaits you for an unforgettable adventure in this jewel of the Antilles.

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First black nation to free itself from slavery and gain independence from France in 1804 and influenced other liberation movements around the world, inspiring struggles for freedom and equality.

Natural beauty

Natural beauty

Haïti is blessed with spectacular natural landscapes, including white sand beaches, mountains and rich biodiversity.



Haïti has a rich historical heritage, including sites like the Citadelle Laferrière and the Sans-Souci Palace, listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.



Haïti has a rich and diverse culture, influenced by African, European and indigenous elements. Haitian music, dance, art and cuisine are celebrated around the world.