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Haïti / Pot’iwa Pizza: A Culinary OdysseyHaïti : Pot’iwa Pizza
Haïti / Pot’iwa Pizza: A Culinary Odyssey
Haïti : Pot’iwa Pizza
  • 04 Avril 2024
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Haïti / Pot’iwa Pizza: A Culinary Odyssey

Since 2015, Pot’iwa Pizza has conquered the hearts and taste buds of the inhabitants of Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti. Founded by visionaries Jude Vaillant and Rock André, Pot’iwa Pizza has become a true gastronomic icon by offering a unique specialty: smoked herring pizza. This culinary creation has revived childhood nostalgia among many Haitians, marking the beginning of an exceptional culinary adventure.

The very name of the company, "Pot’iwa", is a tribute to the Haitian regions where its founders were born. Jude Vaillant, originally from the "Iwa" region, and his accomplice Rock André, native of "Potino", have united their origins to create a company that harmoniously fuses tradition and innovation.

Despite the socio-economic challenges that punctuate Haitian daily life, Pot’iwa Pizza is committed to constantly improving its services. This unwavering determination led to the opening of a second branch of the company, this time in the city of Cap-Haïtien, in the north of the country. The inhabitants of this region now have the privilege of tasting the famous herring pizza, previously reserved for the inhabitants of Port-au-Prince.

Aware of the importance of protecting its culinary heritage, the company made a strategic decision by filing a patent in the United States to protect its specialty: herring pizza.

Jude Vaillant, CEO of the company, shares his vision behind the choice of herring: "In Haiti, our childhood was rocked by a particular flavor, present in many traditional dishes. We decided to bring this flavor to an emblematic dish like pizza, to create a unique culinary experience."

Pot’iwa Pizza embodies the passion, nostalgia and perseverance of Haitians for their traditional cuisine. It is a story of flavors and success that continues to seduce palates around the world.

For those who want to taste this delicious herring pizza, go to Pot’iwa Pizza, located at 26 boulevard Cap-Haïtien, or contact them at +509-47-30-9090. And for fans residing in Miami, USA, Pot’iwa Pizza is also available at 12485 NE 6th CT, North Miami, FL 33161. To order, call 305-456-5152.

Also explore the immersive experience of Pot’iwa Pizza through your smartphone or virtual reality headset, and dive into their mouth-watering menu by visiting the following link: bar--restaurant/haiti--pot-iwa-pizza--virtual-tour/9.

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