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Haïti : Citadelle la FerrièreHaïti : Citadelle la Ferrière

News / Grégory Henderson LEFRUIT

City April 03, 2024

Exploring Cayes-Jacmel, Haiti: Discovering a tourist and cultural treasure.

Nestled in the splendid mountains of the southeastern region of Haiti, the picturesque commune of Cayes-Jacmel emerges as a rare pearl, offering an incomparable tourist and cultural experience. With its lush green landscapes, rich cultural heritage and exciting activities, this destination promises an unforgettable journey for travelers seeking authenticity and natural beauty. As soon as you arrive in Cayes-Jacmel, you will be captivated by the splendor of its landscapes. The plains and hills that dominate the terrain offer a breathtaking spectacle, ideal for picturesque hikes and leisurely walks. The town is also full of crystal clear waterways, perfect for a refreshing break or a relaxing fishing session. Explore the hidden trails and let yourself be enchanted by the thriving biodiversity of the region, where nature reigns supreme. Without forgetting the magnificent beaches of Kabic like "Ti Mouillage", where the fine sand and turquoise waters invite relaxation and water sports. Cayes-Jacmel is steeped in rich history and vibrant culture, reflected in its majestic temples and churches. With more than thirty-two temples of all faiths, including Baptist churches, Churches of God and Catholic churches, the town is a symbol of religious diversity and tolerance. Immerse yourself in the region’s fascinating past by visiting the magistrate’s court and police station, witnesses to its political and legal legacy. Experience the excitement of local life by participating in the lively festivals and cultural events of Cayes-Jacmel. Immerse yourself in the haunting rhythms of Haitian music during community celebrations, and discover traditional crafts at local markets. Don’t miss the town’s annual festival, where dance, gastronomy and the arts combine to create a festive and warm atmosphere. Whether you’re a sports lover, adventure enthusiast, or simply looking for relaxation, Cayes-Jacmel has something to offer every traveler. Play football or basketball on the local pitches, or dance the night away at one of the town’s lively nightclubs. For an authentic experience, join a fishing excursion with the locals, or explore the region’s hidden gems on an exciting jeep tour. With its breathtaking natural beauty, rich cultural heritage and captivating activities, Cayes-Jacmel emerges as an incomparable tourist and cultural destination in Haiti. Whether you are looking for adventure, relaxation or cultural discoveries, this picturesque town promises you an unforgettable experience, imbued with the very essence of Haitian life. Embark on a journey to the heart of the magic of Cayes-Jacmel and let yourself be enchanted by its charm.

Par Grégory Henderson LEFRUIT |
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Beache March 28, 2024

Haiti: Camp Louise: A Hidden Treasure in the Heart of Acul du Nord Bay

At the entrance to Haiti’s beautiful Baie de l’Acul du Nord lies an oasis of tranquility and natural beauty: Camp Louise, more affectionately known as Saint Michel Beach. With its black sand and rushing swells, this beach offers a spellbinding experience that captures the wild spirit of nature. As soon as you set foot on this enchanting shore, you are enveloped by an atmosphere of mystery and serenity. The "ajoupas" dotted along the beach are home to modest restaurants serving local delicacies, from fresh grilled fish to succulent conch. With every bite, you taste the exquisite fusion of authentic flavors that celebrate Haiti’s culinary richness. On your right, majestically sits the "M&M" restaurant, ready to delight your taste buds with its irresistible specialties, available to serve you at the end of the week, to crown your beach days with an exquisite gastronomic note. Despite its proximity to the bustling town of Cap-Haïtien, located just 26 kilometers away, Camp Louise seems like a world apart. Accessible both by road and by sea, by jet ski from the neighboring beaches of Gaderas and Labadie, this beach offers a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Whether you are looking for adventure, relaxation or simply connection with nature, Camp Louise will meet all your desires. Its turquoise waters invite you to swim, its sandy beaches invite you to relax, and its warm atmosphere inspires wonder. For travelers seeking authentic experiences and breathtaking scenery, Camp Louise proves to be a hidden treasure worth discovering and celebrating. So, let yourself be carried away by the captivating magic of this rare pearl in the heart of the Bay of Acul du Nord, and let your worries float away with the waves that gently caress its shores.

Par Grégory Henderson LEFRUIT |
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Community March 17, 2024

Discover the Hidden Gem of Caracol: A Peaceful Haven in Haiti

Nestled in the enchanting embrace of Haiti’s North East department lies a true marvel – Caracol. This picturesque area is more than just a destination; it’s a sanctuary where tranquility dances in harmony with the gentle whispers of nature. From the chirping of content birds to the warm smiles of its inhabitants, Caracol is a true wonderland waiting to be explored. One of the most captivating aspects of Caracol is its serene ambiance. Here, peace isn’t just a concept; it’s a way of life. Even the birds seem to sing with an extra ounce of joy, as if they’ve found their own slice of paradise amidst the lush greenery. Stepping into Caracol feels like entering a world where time slows down, allowing you to embrace the simple pleasures of life. But what truly sets Caracol apart is its people – kind-hearted souls who find solace in the simplicity of their daily lives. Engaged in activities like fishing and gardening, they embody a deep connection to the land that sustains them. And amidst it all, the industrious spirit of Caracol shines through, with the industrial parc serving as a beacon of progress and opportunity for the community. Yet, amidst the tranquil rhythm of everyday life, Caracol pulsates with the vibrant energy of Haitian culture. Voodoo, an integral part of local life, weaves its mystical threads into the fabric of daily rituals and traditions. And come July, the entire community comes alive with patronal celebrations that draw Haitian diaspora from every corner of the globe. It’s a time of joyous reunions, where cultural immersion meets spirited competitions, from exhilarating running races to thrilling boat races on the sparkling waters. As the sun sets on another day in Caracol, the excitement doesn’t end – it transforms. Carnival season, known as "mardi gras," casts its spell over the land, igniting the imaginations of children who eagerly don disguises and wield whips to make merry mischief. Laughter fills the air as they chase each other, their gleeful shrieks echoing through the streets, creating memories that will last a lifetime. In Caracol, every moment is a celebration, every day a testament to the resilience and warmth of its people. So, whether you’re seeking a tranquil retreat or a cultural adventure, Caracol invites you to discover its hidden wonders and experience the magic for yourself. After all, in this captivating corner of Haiti, every day is a journey into the heart of paradise.

Par Grégory Henderson LEFRUIT |
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First black nation to free itself from slavery and gain independence from France in 1804 and influenced other liberation movements around the world, inspiring struggles for freedom and equality.

Natural beauty

Natural beauty

Haïti is blessed with spectacular natural landscapes, including white sand beaches, mountains and rich biodiversity.



Haïti has a rich historical heritage, including sites like the Citadelle Laferrière and the Sans-Souci Palace, listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.



Haïti has a rich and diverse culture, influenced by African, European and indigenous elements. Haitian music, dance, art and cuisine are celebrated around the world.