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Haïti and its incredible Genius: A Contest to Promote Haitian Youth and HeritageHaiti
Haïti and its incredible Genius: A Contest to Promote Haitian Youth and Heritage
  • August 03, 2024
  • | 3

Haïti and its incredible Genius: A Contest to Promote Haitian Youth and Heritage

Haïti and its incredible Genius is an exceptional initiative launched by the Institute for the Valorization of Haitian Heritage (IVAP-Haiti). This contest’s mission is to highlight the multiple facets of Haïti by presenting an authentic and positive image of the country, while promoting the skills of young Haitians through the culture of reading and research.


A Competition that Celebrates Haitian Excellence

The main objective of this competition is to strengthen the knowledge of young Haitians by encouraging them to explore topics such as Haitian civics, history, geography, culture and literature. By participating in this competition, young people not only develop their intellectual curiosity, but they also gain a better understanding of their own country. Furthermore, this competition is an opportunity for members of the Haitian diaspora to reconnect with their roots and become more familiar with their country of origin.

Coordinated by Peladja Menelas and hosted by Zachary Thermo and Ishtar Pady, each Sunday a match is recorded and broadcast on Dracut Access TV, before being published on social networks for a wider audience.


Structure of the Competition

The elimination phase began immediately upon registration, with an online questionnaire in which more than 300 young people, in Haïti and in the diaspora, participated. From these applications, one young person was selected per department in Haiti, as well as two young people from the diaspora, for a total of 12 participants. These participants were divided into four groups of three for the second phase of the competition. The best in each group progressed to the quarter-finals, then to the semi-finals, and finally to the final to determine the winner.

The prizes for participants are particularly attractive:

1. 1st Prize: 1500 USD
2. 2nd Prize: 1000 USD
3. 3rd Prize: 600 USD
4. 4th Prize: 300 USD


A Project to Promote Haitian Heritage

Haïti and its Incredible Genius is part of a series of initiatives set up by IVAP-Haïti to promote the country’s cultural heritage. Other activities include contests such as "I make the physical portrait of Dany Laferrière", "I take the photo and present Odette Roy Fombrun", and "I sing Lionel Benjamin". These initiatives all aim to change the narrative about Haïti online, by highlighting local talent and celebrating the country’s cultural richness.

Zachary ThermoZachary Thermo

Zachary Thermo: The Man Behind the Competition

Zachary Thermo, the central figure of this project, was born in the border area of ​​the 7th section of Petit-Goâve and the 5th section of Côtes-de-Fer. The third of a Christian family of five children, he holds a degree in public administration from INAGHEI. His career is marked by a deep commitment to Haitian youth and heritage. He was president of the KOTELAM Credit Committee for more than three years and won the first edition of the inter-university debate competition "I am the President of Haiti". In addition, he is a founding member of several youth organizations such as OCPECE and KOZE JÈN YO, and CEO of the Institute for the Valorization of Haitian Heritage (IVAP-HAITI). A speaker and master of ceremonies, Zachary is an inspiring leader for the youth of his country.

As part of the competition, Zachary Thermo expressed his gratitude to the members of the scientific committee, the competition ambassadors, the executive committee, and all those who contributed to the advancement of this initiative. Thanks to their hard work, Haïti and its Incredible Genius is becoming an essential platform for the promotion of Haitian youth and heritage.

Thanks to Zachary’s passion, the dedication of the organizing team, and the enthusiasm of the participants, "Haïti and its Incredible Genius" is much more than a competition, it is a window onto the unlimited potential of Haitian youth and a celebration of the richness of the national heritage. Thanks to this initiative, Haïti continues to shine, revealing its incredible genius to the world.

About the Author
Appolon Guy Alain

Full Stack Developer, Créatif, expérimenté, passionné des nouvelles technologies et de l’art.

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Erndy Debrosse

IVAP HAÏTI limyè lespwa kap klere chemen jenès despere a.

August 03, 2024 - 11:21:02 AM
Erndy Debrosse

IVAP HAÏTI limyè lespwa kap klere chemen jenès despere a. Tyenbe red san janm moli.

August 03, 2024 - 11:21:33 AM
Erndy Debrosse

IVAP HAÏTI limyè lespwa kap klere chemen jenès despere a. Tyenbe red san janm moli.

August 03, 2024 - 11:22:24 AM
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Haitian traditions

Haiti, the pearl of the Antilles, is a country rich in history and traditions. Its vibrant and diverse culture is reflected through its national holidays, cultural festivities, traditional foods, religious beliefs, folk tales, and traditional games. Let’s immerse ourselves in the social fabric of Haïti to discover the beauty of its traditions. b~National Holidays:~b National holidays in Haïti are moments of pride and national unity as January 1, Independence Day, commemorates the victory of Haitian slaves over French colonial forces in 1804, making Haïti the first independent country in Haiti. Latin America and the Caribbean or the commemoration of the Battle of Vertières on November 18. The Battle of Vertières was one of the last great battles of the revolution. It took place in Vertières, near the town of Cap-Haitien. b~Cultural Festivities:~b Haïti is also famous for its cultural festivities, particularly Carnival, which is an explosion of color, dance, and music. Artistic and craft events, such as the Rara festival, are an opportunity for artists to showcase their talent. The Rara, a musical parade, combines folklore and spirituality, creating a unique experience. b~Traditional Foods:~b Haitian cuisine is a delight for the taste buds. Dishes like griot (fried pork), diri djon djon (rice with black mushrooms), and the legendary joumou (joumou soup) are an integral part of Haitian culinary tradition. Bold flavors, spices and cooking methods inherited from African and French tradition make Haitian cuisine unforgettable. b~Vodou:~b Vodou, often misunderstood, is a synchretic religion that incorporates elements of Catholicism, African animism, and indigenous beliefs. It plays a significant role in the daily lives of Haitians, influencing music, dance, and religious rites. Vodou is a profound expression of Haitian spirituality. The Tales (Krik Krak, Tim Tim, Bwa Sèch): Haitian folk tales, passed down from generation to generation, are rich in morality and wisdom. b~Konbit :~b The concept of Konbit represents community solidarity. Haitians come together to perform community tasks, whether in agricultural fields or for construction projects. It is a living example of the collective spirit that permeates Haitian society. The most recent major project to date concerns the construction of the canal from the Massacre River to Ouanaminthe, which took place between September and December 2023. Thousands of inhabitants of the north of the country mobilized all their forces to erect a canal allowing to collect water intended for irrigation of their plantations, with the aim of obtaining better harvests. Despite their modest means, they were motivated by the slogan "KPK" (Kanal la pap kanpe), a direct response to Dominican President Luis Abinader who warned them and did everything in his power to stop the construction of the canal. This channel represents the deep solidarity of Haitians and reaffirms national pride. Despite economic challenges, the people of northern Haïti have demonstrated exceptional determination to work together for a common goal. The slogan “Kanal la pap kanpe” embodies their resilience in the face of external pressures and demonstrates their unwavering will to continue the construction of the canal. b~Traditional Games:~b Traditional games are an essential part of daily life in Haiti. Games like lido, sote kòd, Yoyo, Ralba, Marèl, TiTaTo, Kay, lago kache, Monte kap, teke mab, woule sèk, twa fwa se manbo, and domino bring people together, promoting camaraderie and fun. Haitian traditions are a harmonious blend of spirituality, community, and cultural diversity. Every aspect, from national holidays to traditional games, helps weave the rich cultural tapestry that makes Haïti proud. These traditions are the beating heart of the nation, a precious heritage that continues to be passed down from generation to generation.



First black nation to free itself from slavery and gain independence from France in 1804 and influenced other liberation movements around the world, inspiring struggles for freedom and equality.

Natural beauty

Natural beauty

Haïti is blessed with spectacular natural landscapes, including white sand beaches, mountains and rich biodiversity.



Haïti has a rich historical heritage, including sites like the Citadelle Laferrière and the Sans-Souci Palace, listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.



Haïti has a rich and diverse culture, influenced by African, European and indigenous elements. Haitian music, dance, art and cuisine are celebrated around the world.