Living in Prose and Poetry: an unmissable summer event in Port-au-Prince.
Living in Prose and Poetry is an artistic and cultural event organized by the cultural organization Salon de Livre de Port-au-Prince (OCSLPAP) with the aim of bringing together young artists from the Haitian capital to exhibit them to a large audience .
This edition will take place on Saturday July 27, 2024, at the pyépoudré cultural center, located at number 332 on the Route de Bourne.
This year the organizers announce their mission is to bring together talents from various categories of arts, always with the aim of helping them to become familiar with each other, and to help create a solid link between them and the Haitian public. .
The categories targeted by the organizers for this second edition are young poets, slammers, comedians, rappers, dancers, singers, painters, and writers who have already published at least one work.
Living in prose and poetry will also be an opportunity to encourage Haitian youth to think. The first part of the event will be devoted to a discussion around a text by the famous Haitian writer Louis Philippe Dalembert, entitled The Other Face of the Sea. It is a novel which carefully addresses the subject of immigration and detachment that goes with it in the immigrant’s skin. It is a book that speaks openly to the reality of the Haitian people today.
It has already been announced that this first part will be moderated by the journalist and literary critic Carl Pierrecq who works for the short story writer, and moderation will be provided by Pierre Marie, a young sociology student at the Faculty of Human Sciences (FASCH).
After a largely successful first edition which took place in May 2023 in the premises of the municipal library of Delmas, the organizers of living in prose and poetry say they are determined and have made the promise for this year to deliver to the public port-au -princien, a cultural event of exceptional scale for the second outing. Once again, this will be the perfect opportunity to celebrate the great richness of Haitian culture through the organs of our young talents.
Given the difficult context, manifested by the almost daily situation of insecurity which has prevailed for some time, in a good part of Port-au-Prince, the announcement of this event comes as a fresh breath of oxygen, scattered throughout the within the lungs of the city.
It is yet another opportunity to remind through this artistic festivity that even in times of deep unrest, art will remain an indispensable light, because even in times of crisis, the latter and the artist (its channel of diffusion) will become refuges, sources of comfort and appeasement for all human souls.
HaïtiThe ideal opportunity to meet wonderful people.
“Living in Prose and Poetry will be the perfect opportunity to meet the young talents of Port-au-Prince. Because this last event will bring together the best talents of the city, thus offering a platform for rich and varied exchanges between them and the public It is the perfect place to bring friends and family to entertain the mind in a relaxed setting, dedicated to laughter, music and good humor.
It will also be an opportunity for young people who have hidden talents to immerse themselves in a world where creativity and innovation are at the heart of discussions in order to reveal themselves to the general public.
The second edition of "Living in Prose and Poetry" promises a lot to the public, given the preparations underway for the smooth running of the event, we already feel that it will be a celebration of Haitian creativity in all its diversity. people, but also a powerful call to recognize the vital importance of art in times of crisis.
The poetry read and heard, the music listened to and the painter mysteriously observed by the eyes of his admirers offer a reliable means of emotional survival, while opening a window of escape from our heavy realities.
Participating in this event will be a way to contribute to the breathing of Port-au-Prince. Your participation in this event will be registered as a real act of resistance.