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Haiti: A look back at the First Rara Weekend in Petit-GoaveHaïti : Rara
Haiti: A look back at the First Rara Weekend in Petit-Goave
Haïti : Rara
  • February 20, 2024
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Haiti: A look back at the First Rara Weekend in Petit-Goave

Haitian culture is a true treasure, woven from the creativity of its artists, its rich heritage and the diversity of its cultural expressions. Among these cultural gems, the rara stands as a true national emblem, uniting Haitians through its captivating rhythms and centuries-old traditions.

During the first Rara weekend, this very essence of Haitian culture shone brightly, revealing palpable social cohesion. Despite the absence of law enforcement, tranquility reigned in Petit-Goâve, testifying to the ability of citizens to come together in peace and conviviality.

However, media attention was mainly focused on the first plain, leaving a certain imbalance in the coverage of the festivities. Ratyèfè, three-time reigning champion, once again captivated minds with his talent and artistic mastery, offering an unparalleled spectacle. But his rival, Lambi gran dlo, was not to be outdone, displaying a determination to compete for first place.

The event was also marked by unfortunate incidents, reminding us that despite the beauty of tradition, tensions can arise. Clashes between fans of different groups tarnished the festive atmosphere, highlighting the need for careful management of celebrations to avoid such excesses.

At the heart of this musical competition, where each group aspires to recognition and victory, a complex picture of rivalries and alliances emerges. Chenn tamarin, although appearing asleep in the first moments, shows signs of waking up, ready to shake up the established order.

On Sunday evening, Lambi gran dlo honored the memory of one of its loyal supporters, while Grap Kenèp was the scene of violence between fans, recalling the fragility of social cohesion when passion runs wild.

In this whirlwind of emotion and competition, it is crucial to keep in mind that it is the journalist who must look to the events, and not the other way around. This is how we draw up the first ranking for this first weekend:

1. Ratyèfè
2. Lambi grand dlo
3. Chenn tamarind

Beyond the results, it is the preservation of unity and mutual respect that must remain at the heart of these celebrations, making the rara not only a musical festival, but above all a symbol of the wealth and resilience of the people Haitian.

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Gladimyr Vaval

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