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Petit-Goave, Haiti: Decryption of the 3rd rara weekend!Petit-Goave, Haïti
Petit-Goave, Haiti: Decryption of the 3rd rara weekend!
Petit-Goave, Haïti
  • April 29, 2024
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Petit-Goave, Haiti: Decryption of the 3rd rara weekend!

It is more and more obvious that in Petit-Goave the media space is absorbed by the rivalry between Ratyèfè, triple champions and lambi gran lambi dlo, a former champion. The past weekend was once again irrefutable proof of the media tension over these two rival bands. With a carnival-like appearance, the fan club of the first dressed in a white shirt, short orange-yellow skirt, purple tie, black boot; the other dressed in a traditional hat, yellow jersey, red pants, red or yellow tennis shoes. This marriage of colors with the taste of carnival is the expression of cultural diversity as La Fontaine said in his book tales and short stories "diversity is my motto." This formula can adapt well to the rara. If it is true in Léogane this marriage of color has existed for ages. It is no less true that this was the case in Petit-Goave because we had to wait for the strong return of Ratyèfè in 2018 to see the rara fan clubs dress differently each new weekend.

Last Saturday more than one expected a new face to face between Lambi gran dlo and Ratyèfè because the latter weighed anchor in the direction of the 2nd plain and the latter, in the direction of the city center. Less than in any other circumstance, this duel at the top was obvious. If for some comments it was a favorable opportunity for Lambi to take his revenge on his rival compared to the previous weekend because he had done the profile although he had the advantage because he was two against one. (Lambi,chenn tamarin vs Ratyèfè). This enormous advantage did not work in their favor because the hours that had passed worked against them, as proof they had gone to sleep while ratyèfè remained to play for at least 30 more rounds.

Surprisingly but not surprisingly during the meeting long awaited by less than one, at the Acul not far from the Saint Jean-Baptiste church, lambi had decided not to play anymore. However, according to the customs and costumes of the rara when there are two bands, the one who stops playing first, shows weakness and surrender. Consequently, the other who is opposite out of decency and good morals has no other choice to do the same. It follows that for the umpteenth time the great power formation (lambi grand dlo) was unable to take revenge on its rival. For many cultural journalists who were present to witness this event did not have their tongue in their pocket to give their impression of Ratyèfè’s monster performance. This is the case for Brignol, a cultural commentary which wondered if Ratyèfè had the devil in his body so that the most incredulous were in their feeling of joy. On Sunday evening this monster of animation once again made its mark in the art of its know-how. This is what explains the almost unanimity among the cultural journalists of Petit-Goâve in granting first place to this band for its performance and its musical discipline.

So, for this weekend according to the circle of cultural journalists of Petit-Goave and with the approval of many other cultural comments. We have the following classification:

1st Ratyèfè
2nd Grap Kenèp
3rd Orgueil de la jeunesse

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Gladimyr Vaval

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