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Haiti: Official launch of the Coding Club Cap-Haïtien!Coding Club Haïti
Haiti: Official launch of the Coding Club Cap-Haïtien!
Coding Club Haïti
  • 09 Mas 2024
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Haiti: Official launch of the Coding Club Cap-Haïtien!

In a world where the digital revolution is in full swing, mastery of technological tools has become crucial. The Coding Club Haïti positions itself as an essential actor in the dissemination of knowledge related to this field to young Haitians. With this in mind, Coding Club Haïti officially launched Coding Club Cap-Haitien on Friday, March 1, 2024, a welcome expansion of the successful initiative at Carrefour. By providing an environment conducive to learning and creativity, the club opens new pathways to a future where innovation is accessible to all.

The Henry Christophe Campus of Limonade CHCL was the vibrant scene of this inaugural event, bringing together more than sixty curious minds eager to master the art of computer programming. Under the direction of Appolon Guy Alain, the passionate initiator of Coding Club Haiti, Mauricette John Stevens, coordinator of Coding Club Cap-Haitien, and Philistin Rochernie, membership manager, this new branch of the club is committed to offering its expertise in Capois and Capoises who are passionate about computer programming.


Coding Club HaïtiCoding Club Haïti

For Appolon Guy Alain, technology represents much more than a simple tool. It is a powerful lever to propel the country’s economic development. By sharing his experience and knowledge with Haitian youth, by introducing them to computer programming, he hopes to contribute to this long-awaited advancement. He is convinced that the technology sector offers a vast reservoir of opportunities for those who dare to venture into it.

One year after its launch at Carrefour, Coding Club Haïti continues to grow and inspire. With more than 400 active members, the club has demonstrated its ability to mobilize and form a passionate community. But the ambition does not stop there. Club officials already have plans, considering opening new branches across the country, notably in Cayes and Pétion-VIlle.

Coding Club HaïtiCoding Club Haïti

The Coding Club Haïti is not just a simple informal grouping. It is a non-profit initiative, born on December 10, 2022, with the mission of promoting the learning and practice of computer programming. Within the club, members benefit from training ranging from introduction to basic programming concepts to more advanced levels for experts. Practical workshops, stimulating challenges and concrete projects help maintain a dynamic and motivating atmosphere.

It should be noted that the Coding Club Cap-Haitien benefited from valuable support from Haïti EdTech for its operation, as well as access to a computer room equipped with the necessary equipment, with energy and internet. This support will allow them to meet physically for their workshops.

For more information, you can visit the official website of Coding Club Haiti:

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Natural beauty

Natural beauty

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