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Haïti : Citadelle la FerrièreHaïti : Citadelle la Ferrière

News / Religion

Tourism May 12, 2024

Haïti Wonderland: How to Rewrite the Narrative of Haïti on the Web?

For the last three decades the internet has transformed the way people live, access information and promote worthy causes. Institutions that embrace this technology lead the way in their respective industries and last, while countries that embrace this technology and wisely implement it enable themselves to thrive and build sustainable economies. After decades of existence, the internet has been shared with mainly two groups of people; those who use it as a tool to build, and those who use it as a tool of destruction. Those who see the internet as a bridge to make a positive impact in the world and those who see it as the comfy bed to never leave, hence, the difference between the consumer and producer. Unfortunately our beloved home, Haiti, has been of the former mindset. Is it a lack of vision, lack of skills and competences or is it lack of hard working individuals? Regardless what it is or had been for decades, now is the time to change the paradigm on all fronts necessary and reshape the future. If the past decades have been ruled by non-production and negative press, now is the time to change the paradigm by producing and using the limitless of the web to sell the beauty, the culture and the greatness of Haïti to the rest of the world. If the past has been ruled with a selective truth and an effort to showcase the worst and by extension create the worst narrative, now, my fellow Haitian, regardless of where you are on this planet, is the time for us to undertake this mission, to take responsibility and recreate the narrative of our mother land. A narrative based on truth and transparency, a narrative that tells the story of who we are and certainly who we are not, a narrative to invite the world to explore and see for themselves. It is our duty. If not now, when? If not you and I, then, who? Our main mission at Haïti Wonderland is to rewrite the narrative of Haïti on the web. Then use the internet to bring Haïti back to the top of the touristic destination map once again. Those are what motivate us, the oxygen that we breath, they are the reason we wake up in the morning and fight. We didn’t choose this path because we know it will be easy but we choose it because: 1. It is a noble cause 2. It is necessary and 3. It must be done. But must importantly we take this path because we know you and every Haitian in this world, who knows the truth about Haïti are tired with what you see when typing Haïti on the web, and at the same time understand that something must change, and it must be done as soon as possible. We know you are ready for this, and together we will change the narrative of Haïti on the web and we will bring Haïti back to the top of the touristic destination map. This is a call of duty to you, regardless of your field of endeavor or where you’re located in this world. This is a call to join ( to first see for yourself the movement you’re joining, then create your own account and start creating and sharing. Together we will rewrite the narrative of Haïti on the web. Thank you for joining this worthy cause. Let’s invite the world to discover the true face of Haiti.

Par Toutpuissant Jefferson |
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Culture November 25, 2023

Christmas in Haiti: Between Magic, Discoveries and Delicacies

The joyful ringing of bells echoes through the streets of Haïti as the holiday season approaches. Christmas is a magical time when the streets light up, families gather and a warm atmosphere invades the island. Between traditions, cultural discoveries and gourmet feasts, Christmas in Haïti promises a unique experience. b~The Magic of Lights and Decorations~b From the beginning of December, Haïti is adorned with sparkling lights and festive decorations. The markets come alive with shimmering garlands, twinkling stars and ornate fir trees. The streets of Port-au-Prince in Jacmel shine with a special magic, inviting locals and visitors to immerse themselves in the festive spirit. b~Haitian Traditions at Christmas~b Christmas in Haïti is celebrated with a unique combination of religious traditions and local customs. Midnight Mass is a deeply rooted tradition, drawing worshipers to churches to celebrate the birth of Jesus in a vibrant atmosphere of song and prayer. A popular tradition is the "Dawn Mass" which takes place at dawn on December 25. The faithful gather to welcome Christmas Day with special fervor, testifying to the deep spirituality that permeates the festivities. The festivities are not limited to churches. Street parades, folk dances and concerts are commonplace, creating a joyful atmosphere throughout the country. Traditional Haitian music, such as direct compass and voodoo, adds a special dimension to these celebrations. b~Cultural Discoveries: Haitian Crafts~b Christmas is also an ideal opportunity to discover unique Haitian crafts. Christmas markets offer a variety of handicrafts, such as wooden sculptures, vivid paintings, wrought iron items and traditional jewelry. These works of art reflect the artistic talent of the Haitian people and provide unique and meaningful gifts. Local markets, such as the Ferrier market in Cap-Haitien and the Jacmel market, are essential places to discover the authenticity of Haitian crafts. These purchases also help support local artists and the community economy. b~Gourmet Feasts: Christmas Cuisine~b Christmas in Haïti is also a gastronomic celebration. Families gather around festive tables laden with traditional culinary delights. “Joumou soup”, a pumpkin soup, is an essential specialty of the holiday season. Pork, lamb and chicken dishes are also common, accompanied by rice and local vegetables. Traditional desserts, such as “Pen patat” and “Tablèt Pistach,” add a sweet touch to the celebration. Tropical fruits, such as mangoes and bananas, are also often present on Christmas tables, recalling the richness of Haitian biodiversity. Christmas in Haïti is a vibrant celebration that blends the magic of lights, religious traditions, local crafts and delicious cuisine. It is a time when joy and generosity are in the spotlight, and when Haitians open their hearts to share the magic of the season with the world.

Par Appolon Guy Alain |
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Technology November 21, 2023

Haïti Wonderland: Technology at the Service of the Haïtian Narrative

On this 220th anniversary of the legendary independence of Haïti, a new initiative is born on the web: Haïti Wonderland. Launched on January 28, 2024, this innovative site’s mission is to revolutionize the way Haïti is perceived online, by highlighting its natural, cultural, historical and human assets. b~An Ambitious Vision~b Haïti Wonderland aspires to a significant change in the perception of Haïti on the Internet. The goal is clear: when you search for “Haïti” on search engines, you should be greeted by beautiful images and inspiring stories. The team behind Haïti Wonderland wants to transform the web to allow only the beauty and wealth of this country to emerge, thus reflecting Haïtian reality. b~Authentic and Immersive Content~b To achieve these goals, Haïti Wonderland regularly publishes news articles and special blogs highlighting Haïti’s beauty, historic destinations, exquisite cuisine and anything else that can spark Haïtian pride. The emphasis is on promoting a positive and authentic image of the country. The experience offered to visitors to the site is also out of the ordinary. Thanks to virtual reality, you can explore the treasures of Haïti from anywhere in the world, providing total immersion in the splendor of this jewel of the Antilles. b~Smart Support and Rewards~b Haïti Wonderland goes beyond by integrating artificial intelligence on its site. This AI is there to provide visitors with all the information they need about Haïti, thus guiding their journey through the site in an interactive way. And that’s not all ! Haïti Wonderland offers an incentive compensation program for contributors. You can earn money by publishing blog posts on the site, rewarded based on the number of views generated. b~Commitment to Narrative Change~b The founder of Haïti Wonderland, Appolon Guy Alain, sees his initiative as a way to actively participate in changing the Haïtian narrative on the Internet. It is open to any collaboration and support aimed at achieving this common objective of improving the image of Haïti online. Through Haïti Wonderland, Appolon also wishes to raise awareness among online media to stop broadcasting demeaning images of Haïti that contribute to tarnishing its reputation. He calls for collective commitment to present the best version of Haïti. To discover the beauty of Haïti from a new perspective, visit the website: or download the application from Play Store: =com.appographic.haitiwonderland. For all correspondence, contact them by email at Haïti Wonderland: Rediscover, Share, Marvel.

Par Haïti Wondeland |
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First black nation to free itself from slavery and gain independence from France in 1804 and influenced other liberation movements around the world, inspiring struggles for freedom and equality.

Natural beauty

Natural beauty

Haïti is blessed with spectacular natural landscapes, including white sand beaches, mountains and rich biodiversity.



Haïti has a rich historical heritage, including sites like the Citadelle Laferrière and the Sans-Souci Palace, listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.



Haïti has a rich and diverse culture, influenced by African, European and indigenous elements. Haitian music, dance, art and cuisine are celebrated around the world.