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Haïti : Citadelle la FerrièreHaïti : Citadelle la Ferrière

News / Scientific Research

Culture May 30, 2024

Why do some people ignore the Guede party?

The Guédés Festival is a significant event in the Haitian Vodou religion. It takes place every November 1st and 2nd in Haiti, and it is dedicated to paying homage to the dead. Here are some elements to better understand this celebration: Meaning of Guedes: Guédés are spirits of death in the voodoo pantheon. They symbolize the transition between life and the afterlife. Different names are attributed to these spirits: Papa Guédé, Guédé Nibo, Guédé Masaka, Guédé fouillé, Guédé plumage. In the Voodoo concept, the Guédés maintain a harmonious relationship with the dead. Ritual of the Feast of the Gedes: Vodouists clean the graves and bring flowers to honor the memory of the deceased. They dance and sing to the rhythm of vodou and rara music. Vèvè (sacred symbols) are drawn to invoke the spirits. The color black, symbol of mourning, marks the beginning of life in the voodoo world. Purple mauve evokes transformation, and white symbolizes purity. Relationship with Protestants and Christians: Some Protestants reject the Feast of Geeds and organize days of prayer to chase away “evil spirits”. Christians do not pray for their dead, because their faith teaches them that the deceased are welcomed by the Lord. In short, the Guédés festival is a crucial moment for Vodouists, marking the temporary return of spirits to the world of Vodou. It shows respect for the dead and is an integral part of Haitian culture.

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Culture February 09, 2024

Haiti: The Rara season in Petit-Goâve: A celebration of life, unity and resilience

As the new season of Rara looms on the horizon, certain groups such as Saint Jacques Majeur, Ratyèfè, Florida Band, Lambi Grand, and Grap Kenèp are already preparing to light up the streets of Petit-Goâve with their flamboyant costumes and their captivating melodies. For these groups, the future looks bright, promising a season full of passion and success. However, other rara bands are still hesitant about which direction to take. Despite these uncertainties, optimism reigns regarding the success of this new season for all rara groups in the commune of Petit-Goâve. Rara, anchored in the Vodou tradition, is much more than a simple artistic manifestation. It embodies the very essence of Haitian culture, highlighting questions of memory, tradition and identity. This increasingly popular form of artistic expression attracts a large audience and arouses unprecedented enthusiasm. Groups like Ratyèfè, Grap Kenèp, Florida Band and Chenn Tamaren, recognized for their ability to delight their fans, play a crucial role in the continued growth of rara in the town. The rara season traditionally begins on Dead Thursday and ends on the night of Easter Sunday or quasimodo Monday. To mark the beginning of this sacred period, groups organize opening ceremonies, honoring the spirits of the deceased in rituals steeped in spirituality. These ceremonies, often held in cemeteries or in the "Bitasyons" of groups, symbolize the deep link between the rara and Vodou traditions.

Par Jarule Laguerre | 1
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Nature February 04, 2024

Haiti: Flora and Fauna

Haiti, located on the western part of the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, is often associated with its rich and complex history. However, beyond its cultural and historical aspects, Haïti is home to a remarkable diversity of fauna and flora that deserves to be explored and preserved. This article highlights the ecological wealth of Haiti, emphasizing its unique flora and fauna. Fauna: Haïti is home to a variety of animal species, some of which are endemic to the island. The country’s tropical rainforests are home to a great diversity of birds. The rugged mountains provide suitable habitat for rare species. The waters surrounding Haïti are also rich in biodiversity. Colorful corals, tropical fish and sea turtles find refuge in the coral reefs along the coast. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these fragile marine ecosystems and preserve marine life. Flora: Haiti’s landscapes are adorned with a wide variety of plants and flowers. The tropical rainforests are home to majestic trees, the Hispaniola pine and the gum tree. These forests play an essential role in climate regulation and the preservation of biodiversity. The coastal plains are dotted with palm trees, including Haiti’s iconic royal palm. Botanical gardens, such as the Jardin Botanique des Cayes, are havens of greenery where you can admire a wide variety of tropical plants, some of which are endemic to the region. Haiti, with its unique flora and fauna, is an ecological gem that deserves to be preserved for future generations. Awareness, conservation and sustainable development are key elements to ensure the survival of this natural wealth. By investing in the protection of its environment, Haïti can not only preserve its ecological heritage, but also promote sustainable tourism and strengthen the resilience of its ecosystems in the face of current global challenges.

Par Haïti Wondeland |
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History November 24, 2023

Holidays in Haiti

Haiti, the pearl of the Antilles, is a country rich in history and culture. Its public holidays are moments of celebration, commemoration and reflection on its glorious past. Each date has a special meaning, plunging Haitians into a festive and memorable atmosphere. b~January 1: National Independence Day and New Year~b January 1st is a doubly special day in Haiti. On the one hand, it is National Independence Day, commemorating the victory of Haitian slaves over French colonial forces in 1804. On the other hand, it is New Year’s Eve, marking the start of a new year full of promises and hopes. b~January 2: Feast of the Forefathers~b January 2 is dedicated to the memory of ancestors. It is an opportunity for Haitians to remember their roots, to celebrate the cultural heritage passed down from generation to generation. b~February: Carnival, Shrove Monday, Fat Tuesday, Ash Wednesday~b The month of February is marked by Carnival, one of the most colorful and dynamic festivities in Haiti. The streets fill with parades, lively music and wild dancing. Mardi Gras is the culmination of Carnival, followed by Ash Wednesday, marking the start of Lent. b~April: Easter, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday~b Easter celebrations in Haïti include the religious traditions of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. It is a time of prayer and reflection for many Haitians. b~May 1: Agriculture and Labor Day~b May 1 is dedicated to celebrating the work and importance of agriculture in the life of the country. It is an opportunity to recognize the efforts of workers and to highlight the agricultural sector. b~May 18: Flag Festival~b Flag Day celebrates the Haitian flag, a symbol of independence and national pride. Haitians honor their colors and remember the courage of their ancestors in the fight for freedom. b~May 23: National Sovereignty Day~b This day commemorates the recognition of Haitian sovereignty by France in 1805. It is a moment of national pride and reaffirmation of independence. b~May - August: Ascension~b The Ascension is celebrated between May and August, a religious festival marking the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven. b~June: Fête-Dieu~b Fête-Dieu, also known as the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, is an important religious celebration in June. b~August 15: Assumption of Mary~b The Assumption of Mary is a Christian holiday marking the ascension of the Virgin Mary into heaven. It is celebrated with fervor in Haiti. b~September 20: Birth Anniversary of Jean-Jacques Dessalines~b This date commemorates the birth of Jean-Jacques Dessalines, one of the founding fathers of Haïti and a key leader in the struggle for independence. b~October 17: Death of Dessalines~b October 17 is a day of commemoration of the death of Jean-Jacques Dessalines, recalling his impact on Haitian history. b~November 1: All Saints’ Day~b All Saints’ Day is a religious holiday honoring all saints, celebrated with prayers and visits to cemeteries. b~November 2: Day of the Dead~b All Souls’ Day is an opportunity to pay homage to the deceased by decorating graves and participating in religious ceremonies. b~November 18: Commemoration of the Battle of Vertières~b This day honors the decisive Haitian victory at the Battle of Vertières in 1803, marking the end of the French occupation. b~December 5: Discovery Day~b December 5 celebrates the discovery of the island by Christopher Columbus in 1492. b~December 25: Christmas~b Christmas celebrations in Haïti are marked by family reunions, festive meals and religious traditions. Public holidays in Haïti are much more than breaks from everyday life; these are moments that embody the soul and resilience of a people. Each celebration provides an opportunity to come together, remember the past and look to the future with hope and determination.

Par Appolon Guy Alain |
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First black nation to free itself from slavery and gain independence from France in 1804 and influenced other liberation movements around the world, inspiring struggles for freedom and equality.

Natural beauty

Natural beauty

Haïti is blessed with spectacular natural landscapes, including white sand beaches, mountains and rich biodiversity.



Haïti has a rich historical heritage, including sites like the Citadelle Laferrière and the Sans-Souci Palace, listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.



Haïti has a rich and diverse culture, influenced by African, European and indigenous elements. Haitian music, dance, art and cuisine are celebrated around the world.