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Holidays in HaitiJours Fériés en Haïti
Holidays in Haiti
Jours Fériés en Haïti
  • 24 Novanm 2023
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Holidays in Haiti

Haiti, the pearl of the Antilles, is a country rich in history and culture. Its public holidays are moments of celebration, commemoration and reflection on its glorious past. Each date has a special meaning, plunging Haitians into a festive and memorable atmosphere.

January 1: National Independence Day and New Year

January 1st is a doubly special day in Haiti. On the one hand, it is National Independence Day, commemorating the victory of Haitian slaves over French colonial forces in 1804. On the other hand, it is New Year’s Eve, marking the start of a new year full of promises and hopes.

January 2: Feast of the Forefathers

January 2 is dedicated to the memory of ancestors. It is an opportunity for Haitians to remember their roots, to celebrate the cultural heritage passed down from generation to generation.

February: Carnival, Shrove Monday, Fat Tuesday, Ash Wednesday

The month of February is marked by Carnival, one of the most colorful and dynamic festivities in Haiti. The streets fill with parades, lively music and wild dancing. Mardi Gras is the culmination of Carnival, followed by Ash Wednesday, marking the start of Lent.

April: Easter, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday

Easter celebrations in Haïti include the religious traditions of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. It is a time of prayer and reflection for many Haitians.

May 1: Agriculture and Labor Day

May 1 is dedicated to celebrating the work and importance of agriculture in the life of the country. It is an opportunity to recognize the efforts of workers and to highlight the agricultural sector.

May 18: Flag Festival

Flag Day celebrates the Haitian flag, a symbol of independence and national pride. Haitians honor their colors and remember the courage of their ancestors in the fight for freedom.

May 23: National Sovereignty Day

This day commemorates the recognition of Haitian sovereignty by France in 1805. It is a moment of national pride and reaffirmation of independence.

May - August: Ascension

The Ascension is celebrated between May and August, a religious festival marking the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven.

June: Fête-Dieu

Fête-Dieu, also known as the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, is an important religious celebration in June.

August 15: Assumption of Mary

The Assumption of Mary is a Christian holiday marking the ascension of the Virgin Mary into heaven. It is celebrated with fervor in Haiti.

September 20: Birth Anniversary of Jean-Jacques Dessalines

This date commemorates the birth of Jean-Jacques Dessalines, one of the founding fathers of Haïti and a key leader in the struggle for independence.

October 17: Death of Dessalines

October 17 is a day of commemoration of the death of Jean-Jacques Dessalines, recalling his impact on Haitian history.

November 1: All Saints’ Day

All Saints’ Day is a religious holiday honoring all saints, celebrated with prayers and visits to cemeteries.

November 2: Day of the Dead

All Souls’ Day is an opportunity to pay homage to the deceased by decorating graves and participating in religious ceremonies.

November 18: Commemoration of the Battle of Vertières

This day honors the decisive Haitian victory at the Battle of Vertières in 1803, marking the end of the French occupation.

December 5: Discovery Day

December 5 celebrates the discovery of the island by Christopher Columbus in 1492.

December 25: Christmas

Christmas celebrations in Haïti are marked by family reunions, festive meals and religious traditions.

Public holidays in Haïti are much more than breaks from everyday life; these are moments that embody the soul and resilience of a people. Each celebration provides an opportunity to come together, remember the past and look to the future with hope and determination.

Read the article in :

French : Jours Fériés en Haïti

Spanish : Vacaciones en Haití

About the Author
Appolon Guy Alain

Full Stack Developer, Créatif, expérimenté, passionné des nouvelles technologies et de l’art.

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The Haitian Carnival: A Festival of Colors, Music and Traditions

The Haitian carnival, an emblematic and essential celebration of the country’s festive calendar, is much more than a simple party. It embodies the very essence of Haitian culture, joyfully blending ancestral traditions, intoxicating music and a deep sense of community. Each year, this vibrant celebration transforms the streets into a vibrant and colorful spectacle, attracting thousands of participants and spectators eager to take part in this one-of-a-kind celebration. Haitian carnival has deep roots in the country’s history, dating back to colonial times. It has evolved over the centuries, incorporating elements of African, French and Creole culture to create a distinct and captivating celebration. The carnival period in Haïti traditionally begins in January and culminates with extravagant festivities that take place over several days. One of the most striking features of the Haitian carnival is the profusion of colors. Traditional costumes, called "masks", are elaborate and beautifully designed. They feature vivid patterns and vibrant decorations, creating a vivid picture of Haitian cultural identity. Participants, dressed in these elaborate costumes, parade through the streets to the sound of lively music, creating an electric atmosphere. Music is at the heart of the Haitian carnival. The captivating rhythms of compass, rasin, rara and other local musical genres resonate throughout the city, inviting people to dance to the rhythm of the party. Orchestras parade through the streets, accompanying the dancers and creating a unique symbiosis between the music and the graceful movements of the participants. The Haitian carnival parade is not just about the music and costumes; it also celebrates the richness of street arts. Talented artists create giant sculptures, art installations and theatrical performances that tell deep stories of Haitian history and culture. These artistic expressions contribute to the transmission of values ​​and stories that shape the identity of the Haitian people.


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