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Haïti : Citadelle la FerrièreHaïti : Citadelle la Ferrière

News / Education

Tourism February 21, 2024

Haiti: Ministry of Tourism

In its quest to revitalize its tourism industry and highlight its natural and cultural riches, Haïti relies on a key player: the Ministry of Tourism. As a government entity dedicated to the promotion and development of tourism, this ministry plays a crucial role in transforming Haïti into a leading tourist destination. One of the main objectives of the Ministry of Tourism is to strengthen the attractiveness of Haïti to international travelers. To do this, it develops innovative marketing campaigns, highlighting the country’s pristine beaches, fascinating historical sites, rich culture and exquisite cuisine. These efforts aim to change the perception of Haïti and generate interest among potential tourists around the world. In collaboration with private sector players, the ministry is committed to supporting and promoting local tourism businesses. By encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation in the tourism sector, the ministry helps create jobs and stimulate the local economy. The Ministry of Tourism also attaches great importance to the preservation of the environment and cultural heritage of Haiti. It implements policies and initiatives aimed at protecting the country’s natural sites, national parks and historic monuments. By encouraging sustainable and responsible tourism, the ministry ensures that future generations will also be able to enjoy the beauty and cultural richness of Haiti. Finally, the Ministry of Tourism works closely with other national and international organizations to promote Haiti’s tourism development. Through strategic partnerships and exchanges of best practices, Haïti benefits from the expertise and support necessary to strengthen its tourism sector and increase its competitiveness in the global market. Haiti’s Ministry of Tourism is a key player in transforming the country into an attractive and sustainable tourist destination. Through its continued efforts to promote tourism, support local businesses, and preserve Haiti’s natural and cultural heritage, the ministry is paving the way for a bright future for the country’s tourism industry.

Par Haïti Wondeland |
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Nature April 09, 2024

Haiti: Immerse yourself in the Serenity of Étang Bossier in Cayes-Jacmel

Located about an hour’s drive northeast of the bustling town of Jacmel, Étang Bossier emerges like a verdant gem from the heart of the hills, captivating the senses and offering an idyllic getaway for nature and adventure lovers. This natural sanctuary, anchored in the picturesque community of Bossier, is a premier destination for travelers seeking authentic discoveries and enchanting landscapes. With a generous surface area extending over 4 to 5 hectares, Étang Bossier stands majestically at an altitude of 600 meters in the 2nd section of the commune of Cayes-Jacmel, in Gaillard, surrounded by the magnificent sections of Ravine Normande , Cap Rouge and Michinot. This geographical diversity gives the place an incomparable ecological and landscape richness, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the heart of lush nature. Beyond its natural charm, Étang Bossier is the cradle of community life rich in agricultural and pastoral traditions. The green fields resonate with local agricultural activities, with varied crops such as pistachio, congo pea, millet, and corn which bear witness to the ancestral know-how of the region’s inhabitants. Every Thursday, the local market comes alive with colors and flavors, offering a tempting range of fresh produce, robust livestock and of course, “pèpè” fish, a delight for fishing enthusiasts. However, behind this bucolic facade there are also challenges and needs. Despite the abundance of natural resources, many residents live in precarious conditions, highlighting the importance of sustainable support and development for the Bossier community and surrounding areas. For travelers looking for authentic and enriching experiences, Étang Bossier is an invitation to escape. By exploring its winding paths, being lulled by the song of birds and discovering the daily life of its welcoming inhabitants, visitors will have the unique opportunity to delve into the heart of Haitian culture and create unforgettable memories. During your next getaway to Cayes-Jacmel, let yourself be seduced by the magic of Étang Bossier. Whether for a day of adventure, a cultural immersion or simply a moment of relaxation in the middle of unspoiled nature, this hidden oasis promises you an extraordinary experience, imbued with authenticity and natural beauty. Come explore Étang Bossier and let yourself be enchanted by the simplicity and splendor of Haitian rural life.

Par Faïly Anderson Trazil |
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Tourism November 22, 2023

Plan your trip to Haïti

Haïti, the pearl of the Caribbean nestled west of the island of Hispaniola, offers a captivating combination of natural beauty and rich history. For an unforgettable trip, follow these wise tips to plan your stay. b~Prior Research~b Before you begin your trip, immerse yourself in Haïti’s rich culture, fascinating history, delicious cuisine and top attractions. This prior immersion will allow you to make the most of your stay and connect more easily with locals. b~Ideal time to travel~b Haïti’s mild climate throughout the year makes it an attractive tourist destination at any time. Your choice of period will depend on your preferences. If you’re passionate about cultural festivities, don’t miss the Haïtian Carnival in February, a vibrant celebration leading up to Lent. For lovers of paradise beaches like Labadee, La Côte des Arcadins, and others, summer offers a perfect mix of sun and fun times in crystal clear waters. If spirituality appeals to you, August 15 marks the Feast of the Assumption, a religious celebration marking the VIrgin Mary’s ascension into heaven. And also November 1st and 2nd are dedicated to the Day of the Dead. Families go to the cemetery to honor and decorate the graves of their deceased loved ones, creating an atmosphere steeped in memory and tradition. History buffs may choose to visit on national holidays such as National Independence Day on January 1, Flag Day on May 18, and other significant events. b~Choice of Accommodation~b Haïti offers a range of accommodation options, from luxury hotels to family-friendly B&Bs. Adapt your choice according to your budget and preferences, favoring local accommodation for a more authentic experience. b~Unmissable Tourist Sites~b Among the gems to explore, discover the majestic Citadelle Laferrière, listed as a UNESCO world heritage site, the Sans Souci Palace, the La VIsite National Park, the Milot Cathedral, Fort Jacques, the Heroes of Vertières, the Bassin Bleu , the Saut-Mathurine Waterfall, the Marie-Jeanne Cave, Kenscoff and Furcy, as well as the Saut d’Eau Waterfall. Also explore the artistic wealth of Haïti through its artisan markets. b~Taste Local Cuisine~b Haïtian cuisine is a symphony of exotic flavors. Be sure to sample local dishes such as griot and pea-sticky rice at local markets for an authentic culinary experience. b~Local Culture~b Haïtian culture, influenced by a rich history, is diverse and vibrant. Respect local customs, be open-minded and willing to learn. The warmth and hospitality of the Haïtians add a unique dimension to your experience. b~Means of Transport~b Opt for modern means of land transport such as Capital Coach Line, Transport Chic, Sans-Souci Tours, Le Transporteur, Grand Nord. For aerial explorers, easily book your flight with Sunrise Airways. Car rental is also an option for those looking for a more private experience. b~Language and Communication~b Although Haïtian Creole is the main language, French is also widely used. Learn a few basic phrases in Creole to facilitate exchanges and enrich your experience. By meticulously planning your trip to Haïti, you open yourself up to discovering the natural beauty, cultural richness, and warm hospitality of this Caribbean gem. Get ready to experience a unique and memorable adventure in Haïti.

Par Appolon Guy Alain |
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Kitchen December 22, 2023

Official launch of “Ewo” Beer: Haitian Pride across the World

December 1 marked an exceptional moment for the Haitian community and beer lovers around the world, with the official launch of “Ewo” beer by Haitian entrepreneur Jhonson Napoléon. After the success of “Kola Choucoune”, already present in several countries, including the United States and Canada, it is the turn of “Ewo” beer to take the American market by storm. Available in several cities in the United States, this beer embodies the perfect marriage between tradition and innovation, offering consumers a unique taste experience. “Ewo” beer is much more than just an alcoholic beverage. It is a delight that skillfully blends the authentic flavors of Haitian culture with a touch of innovation. In a country where Prestige beer and Barbancourt rum have already conquered palates around the world, “Ewo” beer is proudly added to the list of Haitian taste treasures. Jhonson Napoléon, the man behind this new creation, continues to fly the colors of Haïti across the globe. His commitment to promoting quality Haitian products continues to strengthen the reputation of his country of origin. “Ewo” beer is not just a drink, it is a symbol of Haitian creativity and perseverance that transcends borders. This new step demonstrates the country’s ability to be part of the global trend for quality craft beers. “Ewo” beer is not only a leading local product, but it also stands out on the international scene as the representative of a rich and dynamic culture. The pride that Haitians feel for the success of Jhonson Napoléon and the growing fame of “Ewo” beer is palpable. It is a success story that transcends geographic boundaries and embodies the strength of the Haitian entrepreneurial spirit.

Par Appolon Guy Alain | 1
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History November 21, 2023

Haiti: A Little-Known Pillar of World Independence

Haiti, the world’s first independent black republic, played an exceptional role in the quest for independence for other nations. Although often overshadowed by other historical events, Haiti’s contribution to the liberation of other countries was significant and deserves to be highlighted. b~The Haitian Revolution~b At the turn of the 19th century, Haïti threw off the chains of slavery and achieved the impossible by freeing itself from French colonial rule. In 1804, the country proclaimed its independence, ushering in a new era for oppressed peoples around the world. b~Inspiration for Latin America~b The Haitian Revolution was a major source of inspiration for independence movements in Latin America. Iconic figures such as Simón Bolívar and Francisco de Miranda recognized the courage and determination of Haitians as a driving force for their own struggles. By materially and ideologically supporting these movements, Haïti contributed to the emergence of several independent nations in South America. b~Influence in Africa~b Beyond the Americas, Haïti also played a crucial role in the quest for independence in Africa. African leaders have left a legacy that has inspired entire generations of freedom fighters on the African continent. The idea that oppressed people could rise up against their oppressors found a powerful echo in the struggles for independence in Africa. b~Support for Liberation Movements~b Throughout its history, Haïti has provided substantial support to liberation movements around the world. Whether through troop dispatches, financial resources or active diplomacy, the country has demonstrated its solidarity with those fighting for their autonomy. Haiti’s contributions have often been discreet but crucial. Haiti, as a pioneer of independence and freedom, has left a lasting impact on the world stage. His legacy resonates across continents, reminding the world that the quest for freedom is universal. By recognizing and celebrating Haiti’s role in the independence of other nations, we not only honor its history, but we also commit to promoting a future where all people have the opportunity to shape their destiny.

Par Appolon Guy Alain |
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Recently Posted

February 04, 2024

Haiti: Flora and Fauna



First black nation to free itself from slavery and gain independence from France in 1804 and influenced other liberation movements around the world, inspiring struggles for freedom and equality.

Natural beauty

Natural beauty

Haïti is blessed with spectacular natural landscapes, including white sand beaches, mountains and rich biodiversity.



Haïti has a rich historical heritage, including sites like the Citadelle Laferrière and the Sans-Souci Palace, listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.



Haïti has a rich and diverse culture, influenced by African, European and indigenous elements. Haitian music, dance, art and cuisine are celebrated around the world.