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50 Young Haitian Women Trained in Digital Technology: BIZNISLIFE & UHDES Pave the Way for a New Generation of Leaders!
50 Young Haitian Women Trained in Digital Technology: BIZNISLIFE & UHDES Pave the Way for a New Generation of Leaders!
  • March 16, 2025
  • | 10

50 Young Haitian Women Trained in Digital Technology: BIZNISLIFE & UHDES Pave the Way for a New Generation of Leaders!

On February 2, 2025, a new initiative promoting women’s empowerment was launched with the launch of a digital skills training program, led by BIZNISLIFE and UHDES (Haitian Emergency for Economic and Social Development). This ambitious project aims to train and support 50 young women from the Nippes department in the digital world, offering them a gateway to promising professional opportunities.

A Structured Pathway Blending Entrepreneurship and Personal Development

A Structured Pathway Blending Entrepreneurship and Personal Development

From the very first days, the participants were immersed in an intensive learning process. The training began with an entrepreneurial workshop led by Valery NUMA, a recognized expert in the field, who shared his advice during a conference entitled "Impacting Your Community Through Entrepreneurship" at Camp-Perrin, at the Le Recul Résidences.

This program wasn’t limited to technical aspects: on February 16, a special session on personal development was led by James LAMITIÉ, a young social activist. The goal? To strengthen the participants’ confidence and resilience, two essential assets for advancing in the professional world and facing the challenges of digital technology.

Practical training for complete immersion in digital technology

Practical training for complete immersion in digital technology

One of the program’s highlights was the implementation of specialized workshops in key digital areas:

- Graphic Design: Led by Swans ELASMÉ and Ben Merisson PIERRE, this module allowed participants to acquire the fundamentals of visual creation and graphic design.

- Digital Marketing: Led by Marc-Landre Laguerre and Jean-Richard Duce, this workshop focused on online communication strategies, social media management, and optimizing digital visibility.

- Photography: Led by Jean-Richard Duce, CEO of BIZNISLIFE, this workshop trained young women in photography techniques and the importance of visuals in digital communication.

Through these modules, which combined theory and practice, participants acquired essential skills to succeed in the digital economy and develop their own projects.

A program that goes beyond training: a springboard for the future

A program that goes beyond training: a springboard for the future

This program not only provided technical skills; it also created a true community of committed women, ready to support each other and collaborate on innovative projects.

The initiative culminated on March 8, 2025, at the Women’s Innovation and Leadership Forum, organized to celebrate International Women’s Day. This event was marked by enriching discussions between women entrepreneurs, leaders, and professionals, highlighting the central role of women in innovation and digital development.

During this forum, Clara Guillaume, an emblematic figure of women’s leadership, captivated the audience with an inspiring presentation on the theme: "Women’s Innovation and Leadership: Every Woman Has a Role to Play."

She emphasized the importance of self-confidence, perseverance, and mentorship, key elements for women to succeed in technology fields.

Haiti: Is buying votes to be elected a form of corruption or political strategy?

The democratic political system requires the active participation of citizens in the management of the city. Everyone freely expresses their opinion for harmonious management of society. Generally the choices are made from the organization of free and honest elections. However, sometimes candidates use diverted means to achieve their ends. Can we consider this act as a form of corruption or a political strategy? In a democratic society, the organization of elections at regular intervals is an imperative. Managers are generally elected by the majority of voters, which ensures them a certain legitimacy within the framework of government management. Today, more and more, around the world, the elections are controlled by economic power. This sector gives a lot of silver to candidates who often buy the media services in order to have certain visibility through mass communication means (radio, VAT, Internet, etc.) and do without constraints Many very expensive trips, which require enormous capital. By the way, the possibility that a candidate with low financial means of being elected is increasingly reduced in Western societies. Despite everything, it is illegal to buy the votes of the voters. It is an act of corruption that should lead to criminal sanctions. No society can tolerate this practice which could hamper the degeneration of the democratic system and, consequently, of the electorate system. Civil society and human rights organizations must be vigilant in order to avoid these harmful drifts in the democratic system. In fact, the temptation to bribe the voters in order to access elective positions must be denounced as an act of corruption. In doing so, will lead to political dissenting between duty, and law, because citizens are called upon to freely choose the leaders of the city. Ultimately, the organization of the elections must be the fruit of consensus between the various groups of the social system. Managers must be chosen according to their ability to provide adequate answers to the problems of the company. They can still benefit from powerful financial means from other partners. But, giving voters directly money is a condemnable detective act which reduces the autonomy of action and thinking of voters. In this sense, the latter’s vote must reflect the desire to choose or build a fair, fair and favorable company.

Innovative projects presented by participants

Innovative projects presented by participants

The forum was also an opportunity for the 50 young women trained to showcase their talents through concrete and impactful projects. Grouped into teams, they presented digital initiatives focused on:

Promoting local products online
Promoting Haitian culture through visual content
Improving access to digital education in rural areas

These presentations demonstrated the extent to which these young women are ready to use their skills to create a real impact in their communities.

Towards the sustainable inclusion of women in the digital sector

Towards the sustainable inclusion of women in the digital sector

The program initiated by BIZNISLIFE and UHDES doesn’t stop there. It is part of a long-term vision aimed at strengthening the presence of women in the digital sector and providing them with the necessary resources for entrepreneurship.

With this training, these 50 young Haitian women are no longer just learners: they are now agents of change, ready to conquer the digital world and inspire other generations of women in Haiti.

Digital technology is a powerful lever for emancipation and, thanks to this program, these young female talents are ready to transform the future.

About the Author
Appolon Guy Alain

Full Stack Developer, Créatif, expérimenté, passionné des nouvelles technologies et de l’art.

See other articles from Appolon Guy Alain
Pelina Ericles

Merci pour l’article🤗🤗

L’aventure continue🔥🔥

March 16, 2025 - 07:27:04 PM
Rosemé Marie Lincey Bet-shaïda

Je profite de ma voix et de la voix des femmes qui étaient en formation pour remercier Haiti Wonderland pour la lumière qu'il a apporté sur 50 jeunes femmes qui ont pris des initiatives dans le domaine du numérique et mettre en valeur BIZNISLIFE et l'UHDES qui ont cru en nous pour nous aider à développer nos capacités.
Haïti wonderland merci beaucoup

March 16, 2025 - 07:35:27 PM
Edmonde Marie-Junie Alsaint

Ce n'était pas une simple formation mais c'était aussi un lieu d'apprentissage familial car il n'est pas facile pour que les femmes ont une bonne collaboration et pourtant Biznislife le fait en un mois grâce à un mouvement de reseautage pour créer de l'amitié entre les participantes. Pour moi personnellement c'était une très belle aventure.

March 16, 2025 - 07:41:00 PM

Être mentionné dans un tel article témoigne de l'importance de l'éducation numérique en Haïti et de la responsabilité que nous, jeunes professionnels, avons dans la transmission du savoir. Contribuer à la formation en Graphic Design, c'est bien plus qu'enseigner des techniques ; c'est offrir aux participants les outils pour exprimer leur créativité et s'imposer dans un monde digital en constante évolution. Je suis honoré de faire partie de cette initiative et motivé à poursuivre cette mission de partage et de développement du numérique dans mon pays.

March 16, 2025 - 07:45:01 PM
Woodiany Derane

Merci à wonderland pour cet article. J'ai adoré votre approche . Très inspirant!

March 16, 2025 - 08:10:11 PM
Jackciana Petida Nicolas

Mwen se Youn nan benefisyè program de fomasyon ke Biznislife ak patnè li òganize program sa se yon terapi pou mwen li edem familyarizem ak plizyè lòt fanm e li pèmèt mw devlope konnesans mw nan youn nan metye nimerik yo kise fotografi e map kontinye fè plis eksperyans avek yo toujou

March 16, 2025 - 08:22:44 PM
Jose daphkar Christian

C'est une opportunité exceptionnelle pour nous les jeunes femmes avisées. Merci à Bisnislife et son partenaire UHDES.

March 16, 2025 - 08:22:59 PM
Ernica Eliassaint

"Bravo BiznisLife & UHDES pou bèl inisyativ sa! Fòmasyon sa a se yon benediksyon pou mwen ak 49 lòt fanm ki te gen chans patisipe. Mèsi espesyal pou fòmatè Graphic Design yo, ELASME Swans ak Ben Merisson Pierre, ki te pataje konesans yo ak pasyans pou ede nou grandi nan domèn sa. Gras ak yo, nou pare pou enpakte kominote nou pi byen! Anpil lanmou pou nou 🫂❤️. Yon lòt fwa, mèsi BiznisLife & UHDES pou opòtinite sa 🙏."

March 16, 2025 - 08:33:05 PM
Djiveline JADOR

Atik sa vrèman enteresan. Mwen kontan wè gwosè travay sa #BiznisLife ak UHDES ap òganize a. Mwen se yon jèn ki mache nan lojik lidèchip feminen an, mwen ta renmen nou reyalize bèl fòmasyon sa a nan Nò a tou🙏.

March 17, 2025 - 07:40:06 AM
Diana Dérat

Mwen se yon benefisyè nan program fòmasyon sa ,mwen kwè nan nan chanjman kominote nou e menm nasyon an ,byenfè pa janm pèdi mèsi Biznislife ak UHDES,ann vanse pou yon pi bon demen .

March 17, 2025 - 03:37:16 PM
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First black nation to free itself from slavery and gain independence from France in 1804 and influenced other liberation movements around the world, inspiring struggles for freedom and equality.

Natural beauty

Natural beauty

Haïti is blessed with spectacular natural landscapes, including white sand beaches, mountains and rich biodiversity.



Haïti has a rich historical heritage, including sites like the Citadelle Laferrière and the Sans-Souci Palace, listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.



Haïti has a rich and diverse culture, influenced by African, European and indigenous elements. Haitian music, dance, art and cuisine are celebrated around the world.