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Maello ERO: A rising star of Haitian rapMaello ERO
Maello ERO: A rising star of Haitian rap
Maello ERO
  • July 03, 2024
  • | 1

Maello ERO: A rising star of Haitian rap

Maello ERO, whose real name is Woodmaer DOLMA, was born in Petit-Goâve on November 17, 1994. From a young age, he stood out for his talent and determination. He completed his primary studies at the Wesleyan School of Fond-Doux and his secondary studies at the Collège Mixte Capois La Mort (COMICAM).

In 2013, while still a student, he began his artistic career as a rapper. His integration into the group “Zerocks”, made up of young singers and rappers, allowed him to develop his talent and express his passion for music.

In 2016, Maello ERO distinguished himself by winning third prize in the rap competition organized in Petit-Goâve under the theme: "Ann fete Nwel nan pataj pou lanmou jemen nan Tigwav". This victory marked a turning point in his musical career.

The following year, in 2017, he released his debut track titled "Koz mwen se ERO Star", which received a warm reception from the audience. In 2021, he joined the group MJM (Maello Jay-T and Master Guy), with whom he produced several titles including "Mwen vle mennen w" in collaboration with Povenzoe (October 2022), "MJM nan kay la" (September 2022), “Fanm sadomin m” (November 2022), “Mèsi manman” and a carnival song entitled “Leve kanpe”.


Maello EROMaello ERO

Alongside his musical career, Maello ERO also acquired practical skills by learning to operate a tractor and assisting his father Saphaite DOLMA in the accounting management of a lottery. However, dissatisfied with his economic situation, he recently turned to entrepreneurship.

A great admirer of Fantom, considered the father of Haitian Creole rap, Maello ERO also draws inspiration from international artists such as Lil Wayne and Chris Brown. He is also a fan of T-VIce and the former band Krezi.

Currently, Maello ERO is working on a demo comprising five songs and two videos. Upcoming titles include "Koz mw se ERO star", "She and I" and "Eske wap kite m" in collaboration with Don CB and GP Kool, as well as other titles not yet revealed.

Don’t miss the opportunity to follow the rise of Maello ERO, a rising star of Haitian rap, whose determination and talent promise to take him far in the world of music beyond borders.

You can contact the artist on +50946838268 or on

About the Author
Gladimyr Vaval

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    Isaac woldo

    Frè m pa dekourage w AP reyisdi nan rev ou amoil love

    July 08, 2024 - 07:53:25 AM
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