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Francophone Youth Parliament: A Key Institution for Bringing Together Francophone YouthHaïti
Francophone Youth Parliament: A Key Institution for Bringing Together Francophone Youth
  • February 07, 2025
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Francophone Youth Parliament: A Key Institution for Bringing Together Francophone Youth

The Francophone Youth Parliament (PFJ) is an entity of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie (APF), which itself is part of the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF). Established in 1999 during the Moncton Summit in Canada, this parliament for Francophone youth provides a genuine opportunity to forge connections among young people from the Francophone world. This real platform for debate and advocacy allows young people to have their voices heard and actively participate in shaping the future of La Francophonie. The body meets sequentially, with young people from almost all Francophone backgrounds gathering at each edition to discuss contemporary issues affecting global youth, such as precariousness, a lack of faith in democracy, characterized by a high number of young people abstaining from elections, a lack of civic engagement, the fight against inequalities, climate change, and even the impact of social media on youth. It is important to note that although the decisions made during these meetings are not legally binding, they remain powerful tools to describe the real will and needs of youth in the Francophone space, with the aim of facilitating actions by leaders.



The Francophone Unity

According to one of the two spokespersons for the PFJ, Mr. Corentin Melchior, who represents Belgium within the institution, the Francophone Youth Parliament meets every two years for a general assembly with young people from all over the Francophone world. For example, during the 10th edition of the parliament in 2024, no fewer than 80 young people from over 40 countries or sections participated in debates and created concrete resolutions on crucial issues. While this does not represent half of the OIF members, it still constitutes the largest gathering of Francophone youth for that year. Among the resolutions adopted, according to data collected by Mr. Melchior, there is one on the fight against youth precariousness, the regulation of social media influencers, encouraging civic engagement, and promoting the French language through education and culture.


The OIF, A Global Entity

The OIF, which now includes 88 member states and governments worldwide, is one of the largest international organizations, ranking second in terms of the number of member countries after the UN and well ahead of the Commonwealth. Promoting the French language and the values associated with it to increase its global influence remains its primary mission. While its main goal is to promote the French language and Francophone culture worldwide, the OIF is equally committed to sustainable development, democracy, and access to education for all. For this global vision to truly be inclusive, a closer relationship between the OIF and Francophone youth, particularly from countries facing great difficulties such as Lebanon and Haiti, is crucial, as Mr. Melchior pointed out.


Haitian Youth and the Francophonie

Within the vast global network of the Francophonie, Haiti, despite being a major Francophone pillar in the Americas, is often marginalized in international discussions about the future of the French language and culture. Yet, isn’t Haïti one of the two largest Francophone strongholds in its hemisphere, alongside Quebec? And if we add the fact that Haïti is the only Francophone country in CARICOM (the Caribbean Community Common Market), it is clear that Haiti’s importance in the Francophone world is undeniable. Therefore, it is crucial for Haitian youth to be better integrated into global discussions on the Francophonie, and one of the most effective ways to achieve this is by strengthening the ties between the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF) and Haitian youth.

Indeed, while the OIF has an interest in reaching all of its branches, taking into account that Haïti is a vital branch of the Francophonie, Haitian youth has even more to gain by valuing their Francophone identity. And when the Francophonie fails to properly value Haiti, it certainly misses out on a precious advantage that a country with such a young population could bring to its noble mission of promoting the French language and democracy. In short, any major agreement between the PFJ and Haitian youth would benefit the entire Francophonie.

Indeed, Haitian youth, like those from other countries in the South and members of the OIF, have an interest in learning about the functioning of the Francophonie, and the PFJ could play a key role in this regard. For Haitian youth, knowing about initiatives like the PFJ is a golden opportunity to make their voices heard within the global community through this channel. More importantly, it is a space where Haitian youth can exchange ideas with their peers from other Francophone countries and build solutions together to face global challenges that transcend all borders.

The need to strengthen the ties between Haïti and the OIF, and by extension between Haitian youth and the PFJ, is now more urgent than ever. Access to information, technological support, training, and mobility are all areas that urgently require attention to fully involve Haitian youth in these international dialogues.

At a time when global challenges are multiplying, it is essential for youth to come together to face them collectively. Francophone youth, despite their diversity, share common issues: social inequalities, job insecurity, climate change, etc. In this context, Haitian youth must join their peers from other countries to have a significant influence in the discussions that will shape the future of Haiti. Thus, the Francophone Youth Parliament proves to be a unique opportunity for Haitian youth, as well as youth from other OIF member countries, to have their voices heard and actively contribute to expanding La Francophonie.

By strengthening ties between Haiti, Africa, and the OIF through its youth, the OIF invests in its future, in the real increase of its influence in the future, and this would allow the voice of Haitian youth to resonate more strongly on the international stage.

In conclusion, the smooth functioning of the PFJ, and the opportunities it offers, should be a priority for the OIF’s governing bodies as it offers prospects for encounters that can facilitate the union of Francophone youth forces, ensuring a more united and equitable future for the youth of the entire Francophonie.

About the Author
Moise Francois

Journalist editor, poet and apprentice lawyer.

See other articles from Moise Francois
Corentin Melchior

Superbe article ! Très heureux d'avoir pu apporter ma pierre à l'édifice en tant que co porte-parole du Parlement Francophone des Jeunes. Plus que jamais, nous devons travailler de concert avec Haïti afin d'avoir une jeunesse francophone active et représentative !

February 07, 2025 - 02:23:10 PM
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Petit-Goave, Haiti: Decryption of the 3rd rara weekend!

It is more and more obvious that in Petit-Goave the media space is absorbed by the rivalry between Ratyèfè, triple champions and lambi gran lambi dlo, a former champion. The past weekend was once again irrefutable proof of the media tension over these two rival bands. With a carnival-like appearance, the fan club of the first dressed in a white shirt, short orange-yellow skirt, purple tie, black boot; the other dressed in a traditional hat, yellow jersey, red pants, red or yellow tennis shoes. This marriage of colors with the taste of carnival is the expression of cultural diversity as La Fontaine said in his book tales and short stories "diversity is my motto." This formula can adapt well to the rara. If it is true in Léogane this marriage of color has existed for ages. It is no less true that this was the case in Petit-Goave because we had to wait for the strong return of Ratyèfè in 2018 to see the rara fan clubs dress differently each new weekend. Last Saturday more than one expected a new face to face between Lambi gran dlo and Ratyèfè because the latter weighed anchor in the direction of the 2nd plain and the latter, in the direction of the city center. Less than in any other circumstance, this duel at the top was obvious. If for some comments it was a favorable opportunity for Lambi to take his revenge on his rival compared to the previous weekend because he had done the profile although he had the advantage because he was two against one. (Lambi,chenn tamarin vs Ratyèfè). This enormous advantage did not work in their favor because the hours that had passed worked against them, as proof they had gone to sleep while ratyèfè remained to play for at least 30 more rounds. Surprisingly but not surprisingly during the meeting long awaited by less than one, at the Acul not far from the Saint Jean-Baptiste church, lambi had decided not to play anymore. However, according to the customs and costumes of the rara when there are two bands, the one who stops playing first, shows weakness and surrender. Consequently, the other who is opposite out of decency and good morals has no other choice to do the same. It follows that for the umpteenth time the great power formation (lambi grand dlo) was unable to take revenge on its rival. For many cultural journalists who were present to witness this event did not have their tongue in their pocket to give their impression of Ratyèfè’s monster performance. This is the case for Brignol, a cultural commentary which wondered if Ratyèfè had the devil in his body so that the most incredulous were in their feeling of joy. On Sunday evening this monster of animation once again made its mark in the art of its know-how. This is what explains the almost unanimity among the cultural journalists of Petit-Goâve in granting first place to this band for its performance and its musical discipline. So, for this weekend according to the circle of cultural journalists of Petit-Goave and with the approval of many other cultural comments. We have the following classification: 1st Ratyèfè 2nd Grap Kenèp 3rd Orgueil de la jeunesse

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