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Idea for your breakfast in HaitiHaïti : breakfast
Idea for your breakfast in Haiti
Haïti : breakfast
  • November 24, 2023
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Idea for your breakfast in Haiti

Haiti, a pearl of the Caribbean, not only boasts picturesque landscapes and rich history, but also offers a variety of culinary delights that tantalize the taste buds from the first meal of the day. Haitian breakfast, an exquisite blend of local flavors and culinary traditions, is an experience in its own right. Let’s discover together some ideas to start your day in the most delicious way possible.

Haïti : Bannann a ZeHaïti : Bannann a Ze

1. Bannann a Ze: The Perfect Alliance of Egg and Plantain

In the Haitian countryside, breakfast often begins with the classic delights of well-spiced Haitian eggs and sweet plantains. It’s a simple but divine combination that awakens the senses and offers a dose of energy to face the day.

Haïti : Pate kòdeHaïti : Pate kòde

2. Pate Kòde: The Crispy Tradition of the Streets of Haiti

Impossible to walk the Haitian streets without encountering a “Pate Kòde” seller. This traditional delicacy, found in alleyways as well as in upscale restaurants, is a tasty blend of dough, spices, and meat, often chicken. Whichever flavor you choose, each bite is an explosion of authentic tastes.

Haïti : Bannann a pwasonHaïti : Bannann a pwason

3. Bannann a Pwason: A Healthy and Tasty Balance

This balanced and energetic Haitian dish combines bananas with boiled fish sauce, accompanied by a fresh salad. An ideal option for those looking for a nutritious breakfast without compromising on flavor.

Haïti : AkasanHaïti : Akasan

4. Akasan: The Sweet Sweetness of Haitian Tradition

For lovers of sweets, Akasan is an essential choice. This popular and traditional Haitian drink, made from corn, can be enjoyed cold or warm. Its consistency is reminiscent of a smoothie, making it the ideal companion for a morning enjoyment, particularly with bread.

Haïti : Chokola a penHaïti : Chokola a pen

5. Chokola a Pen: Comforting Hot Chocolate and Gourmet Accompaniments

Start your day gently with a delicious Haitian hot chocolate, accompanied by bread and butter or mamba (peanut butter). A comforting option that warms the heart and stomach.

Haïti : Pen a zeHaïti : Pen a ze

6. Pen a Ze: A Classic for an Energetic Start

There’s nothing like a classic breakfast of bread and omelet, topped with tomatoes, onions and other fresh vegetables. A real delight to start the day off right.

Haïti : Lam BouyiHaïti : Lam Bouyi

7. Lam Bouyi Sòs Pwason: The Culinary Art of Breadfruit

Lam (Bread Fruit) occupies a special place in Haitian cuisine. Boiled and accompanied by fish in sauce, it is an authentic taste experience. It is also found in popular juices such as Tonmtonm.

Haïti : Mayi moulenHaïti : Mayi moulen

8. Mayi Moulen ak Fèy Zepina: Fusion of Corn and Spinach

Originally from Haiti, this preparation made from ground corn mixed with spinach leaves offers a healthy and delicious option for breakfast.

Haïti : SpaghettiHaïti : Spaghetti

9. Haitian Spaghetti: A Variation Full of Flavors

Haitian spaghetti, or "espageti", is a delicious fusion of pasta, tomato sauce and sausage. This Haitian recipe, enriched with onions, green pepper, chili pepper, olive oil and fresh thyme, will awaken your taste buds in the morning.

Haïti : 10. Bannann à FwaHaïti : 10. Bannann à Fwa

10. Bannann in Fwa: A Balanced Feast

This typically Haitian dish combines bananas with a beef or goat liver sauce, called “sòs fwa di”. In the absence of these meats, one can opt for chicken or turkey livers and gizzards for an equally delicious experience.

Haïti : Pen a zabokaHaïti : Pen a zaboka

11. Pen a Zaboka: The Perfect Accompaniment

Pen ak zaboka is a Haitian classic. This combination of bread and avocado is a morning staple, often accompanied by a cup of strong coffee.

Haïti : Kasav a manbaHaïti : Kasav a manba

12. Kasav a Manba: The Cassava Cake with All Flavors

This round cassava-based pancake is a versatile choice. Eaten for breakfast or as a snack, it can be accompanied by butter, mamba, jam, avocado, or even filled with coconut, offering an explosion of flavors in the morning.

In conclusion, Haitian breakfast is much more than just a meal. It is a culinary experience that captures the very essence of Haitian culture and tradition. Whether you opt for the rustic simplicity of a Bannann a Ze or the elegance of Pate Kòde on the busy streets, each bite transports you to the heart of Haiti’s vibrant culinary scene. So, let yourself be carried away by these exquisite flavors and make your breakfast an unforgettable taste adventure.

About the Author
Appolon Guy Alain

Full Stack Developer, Créatif, expérimenté, passionné des nouvelles technologies et de l’art.

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First black nation to free itself from slavery and gain independence from France in 1804 and influenced other liberation movements around the world, inspiring struggles for freedom and equality.

Natural beauty

Natural beauty

Haïti is blessed with spectacular natural landscapes, including white sand beaches, mountains and rich biodiversity.



Haïti has a rich historical heritage, including sites like the Citadelle Laferrière and the Sans-Souci Palace, listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.



Haïti has a rich and diverse culture, influenced by African, European and indigenous elements. Haitian music, dance, art and cuisine are celebrated around the world.