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Haïti Camping and Discovery: AN N AL KANPE in Kenscoff and Furcy, An Unforgettable AdventureLe Paradis Haitien
Haïti Camping and Discovery: AN N AL KANPE in Kenscoff and Furcy, An Unforgettable Adventure
Le Paradis Haitien
  • August 12, 2024
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Haïti Camping and Discovery: AN N AL KANPE in Kenscoff and Furcy, An Unforgettable Adventure

AN N AL KANPE, an immersive camping, retreat and discovery experience in the picturesque landscapes of Kenscoff and Furcy, Haïti brought together more than thirty young people from 17 youth organizations and associations, offering these leaders a unique chance to reconnect with nature, strengthen their bonds and immerse themselves in the rich Haitian culture.

Haïti, Le Paradis HaïtienHaïti, Le Paradis Haïtien

An immersion in nature and conviviality

Upon arrival, the participants immediately immersed themselves in the very essence of camping: setting up tents in the wilderness. This activity, much more than a simple logistical task, was a true rite of passage. Between bursts of laughter and moments of mutual assistance, the young people shared moments of complicity, laying the foundations for a shared experience rich in discoveries and learning. The picturesque landscapes of Kenscoff and Furcy served as a backdrop to these moments of camaraderie, offering a striking contrast to urban daily life.

Haïti, Le Paradis HaïtienHaïti, Le Paradis Haïtien

Days punctuated by discovery and learning

Each day of the camp was carefully planned to offer a perfect balance between relaxation, learning and exploration. The mornings began with an invigorating physical exercise session, preparing the participants for the various activities and workshops that would follow. These morning sessions were followed by enriching moments: stimulating workshops, captivating visits and group activities punctuated the days, allowing young people to develop practical skills while discovering the breathtaking landscapes of Kenscoff and Furcy.

Haïti, Le Paradis HaïtienHaïti, Le Paradis Haïtien

Inspiring speakers

The AN N AL KANPE program was enriched by interventions from personalities who shared their experiences and visions.

Among the many interventions that punctuated the stay, that of the representatives of the RÈG organization particularly left a mark. Committed to the fight against period poverty, they took advantage of this platform to raise awareness among the young people present about this often neglected issue. This intervention opened an essential dialogue, helping to break taboos and encourage a better understanding of this crucial subject.

Lourdia AlphonseLourdia Alphonse

Lourdia Alphonse, representative of the Odette Roy Fombrun Foundation for Education (FORF), captivated the audience with a presentation on the actions and achievements of her organization. Founded in 2007, FORF works with passion for education, civic training and the development of Haitian society. Its initiatives, based on the principles of Konbitism, Civic Education and Heritage, aim to positively transform the Haitian community.

Lauritha NoëlLauritha Noël

Lauritha Noël, National Deputy Secretary of the National Group of Haitian Students (RENAEH), also shared her journey and the mission of her organization. Created in 2021, RENAEH is committed to improving study conditions throughout the country, by bringing together approximately 50 universities and professional schools. Their goal is to build a dynamic and engaged student community, ready to take on the challenges of tomorrow.

Andy VibertAndy Vibert

Local gastronomy in the spotlight

The AN N AL KANPE experience was also a celebration of local flavors. The meals served during the stay came directly from the fertile lands of Kenscoff and Furcy, offering participants a complete immersion in Haitian gastronomy. Fresh fruits, crunchy vegetables, salads, local coffee and traditional specialties such as pâtés kòde were on the menu, allowing young people to savor the culinary richness of the region. This gastronomic approach strengthened the connection with the terroir and highlighted the quality and freshness of local products.

Bassin Bleu in Jacmel: The Ultimate Natural Retreat in Southeast Haiti

Nestled in the picturesque coastal town of Jacmel, in southeastern Haiti, Bassin Bleu is a true haven of tranquility in the heart of nature. Its crystal-clear blue waters and imposing rock formations make it a breathtakingly beautiful site, attracting travelers from around the world in search of escape and discovery. The sparkling turquoise waters of Bassin Bleu offer a feast for the eyes, inviting visitors to relax and rejuvenate in this idyllic setting. Whether swimming in its refreshing waters or lounging on its lush green banks, this natural oasis provides a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Surrounded by lush tropical vegetation, Bassin Bleu is home to exceptional biodiversity, with a multitude of unique plants and animals to discover. Hiking enthusiasts can venture along winding trails that meander through the surrounding forest, offering spectacular views of this pristine landscape. As a tourist destination, Bassin Bleu also offers economic development opportunities for local communities. By promoting sustainable tourism, it contributes to job creation, infrastructure development, and the promotion of local culture. Moreover, by raising awareness among visitors about the importance of preserving this fragile natural environment, tourism plays an essential role in its long-term conservation. Bassin Bleu in Jacmel is much more than just a tourist attraction: it is a true natural treasure to be preserved and appreciated. With its stunning natural beauty, remarkable biodiversity, and sustainable development opportunities, this magical place offers an authentic experience for travelers seeking moments of tranquility in the heart of nature.

Haïti, Le Paradis HaïtienHaïti, Le Paradis Haïtien

Le Paradis Haïtien: Guardian of culture and tourism

Le Paradis Haïtien, organizer of this event, is a community passionate about promoting Haitian culture and revolutionizing local tourism. Their mission is to strengthen the "Haitian Narrative" and promote sustainable and authentic tourism. Through personalized trips and local tourist circuits, they allow travelers to discover the richness and diversity of Haitian culture, while supporting the development of local tourism.

Haïti, Le Paradis HaïtienHaïti, Le Paradis Haïtien

A stay that leaves its mark

AN N AL KANPE was much more than a simple summer camp; it was a true immersion in the cultural and natural heritage of Haiti. Participants left with lasting memories, strengthened friendships and a new appreciation for the beauty and richness of their country. This experience not only allowed young people to relax and discover themselves, but also helped to forge lasting bonds between tomorrow’s leaders, while celebrating Haitian culture in all its splendor.

In short, AN N AL KANPE is a shining example of how young people can come together to experience moments of joy, learning and discovery while strengthening the social and cultural fabric of a country.

About the Author
Appolon Guy Alain

Full Stack Developer, Créatif, expérimenté, passionné des nouvelles technologies et de l’art.

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First black nation to free itself from slavery and gain independence from France in 1804 and influenced other liberation movements around the world, inspiring struggles for freedom and equality.

Natural beauty

Natural beauty

Haïti is blessed with spectacular natural landscapes, including white sand beaches, mountains and rich biodiversity.



Haïti has a rich historical heritage, including sites like the Citadelle Laferrière and the Sans-Souci Palace, listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.



Haïti has a rich and diverse culture, influenced by African, European and indigenous elements. Haitian music, dance, art and cuisine are celebrated around the world.