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Explore Haiti’s tourist and historical treasuresHaïti : Citadelle la Ferrière
Explore Haiti’s tourist and historical treasures
Haïti : Citadelle la Ferrière
  • October 25, 2023
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Explore Haiti’s tourist and historical treasures

Haiti, a country located in the Caribbean, is an exceptional destination offering rich history, vibrant culture and magnificent landscapes. Here is a list of historical monuments and beautiful places to visit in Haïti to immerse yourself in this land full of treasures.

Haïti : Citadelle la FerrièreHaïti : Citadelle la Ferrière

Citadelle la Ferrière

Citadelle Laferrière, also known as Citadelle Henry, is an imposing fortress located in Haiti. It was built in the early 19th century, between 1805 and 1820, during the reign of King Henri Christophe, a former slave who became an important ruler of Haïti after the country’s independence in 1804. The Citadel was built to protect Haïti against a possible French invasion aimed at reestablishing slavery, as well as to serve as a symbol of the strength and independence of the Haitian nation.

VIsit Citadelle la Ferrière virtually:

Haïti : Palais Sans SouciHaïti : Palais Sans Souci

Palais Sans Souci

Palais Sans Souci is a historic site located in Haiti. It is a former royal palace built in the early 19th century. The palace was commissioned by King Henri I of Haiti, also known as Henri Christophe, who was a former freed slave and one of the leaders of the Haitian Revolution.

VIrtually visit the Sans Souci Palace:

Haïti : LabadeeHaïti : Labadee


Labadee is a private and heavenly beach located on the northern coast of Haiti. It is surrounded by green hills and offers a variety of water activities, from snorkeling to relaxing on the white sand.

Haïti : Côte des ArcadinsHaïti : Côte des Arcadins

Côte des Arcadins

This western coast of Haïti is renowned for its beautiful beaches, resorts and picturesque coastal landscapes. It is an ideal place to relax, recharge and enjoy the sun.

Haïti : Bassin BleuHaïti : Bassin Bleu

Bassin Bleu

Located in the Jacmel region on the southern coast of Haiti, not far from the city of Jacmel, Bassin Bleu is a beautiful natural attraction located in Haiti. It is known for its magnificent turquoise pools and waterfalls, nestled in a lush rainforest. This serene oasis is a popular destination for both locals and tourists, providing a refreshing escape from the heat and an opportunity to enjoy Haiti’s natural beauty.

Haïti : Île-à-VacheHaïti : Île-à-Vache


This small island in the southwest of Haïti is a true tropical paradise. Its white sand beaches, crystal clear waters and welcoming locals make it an idyllic getaway.

Haïti : Saut-MathurineHaïti : Saut-Mathurine


Saut Mathurine is the highest waterfall in Haiti. This waterfall is an impressive natural landmark, surrounded by beautiful forest and picturesque landscapes.

The Saut Mathurine waterfall is fed by the Rivière de Cavaillon river, and it falls from a height of around 100 meters (around 330 feet) into a natural pool below. The falling water creates a magnificent spectacle, and the site is a favorite spot for lovers of nature and natural beauty.

Haïti : Grotte Marie-JeanneHaïti : Grotte Marie-Jeanne

Grotte Marie-Jeanne

This limestone cave is located in the South department of Haiti. It is known for its stalactite and stalagmite formations, as well as its natural beauty.

Haïti : Jardin botanique des CayesHaïti : Jardin botanique des Cayes

Jardin botanique

The Les Cayes Botanical Garden is a peaceful place to stroll and admire the flora of Haiti. It is home to a variety of tropical plants, rare trees and exotic flowers.

Haïti : Parc Historique de la Canne à SucreHaïti : Parc Historique de la Canne à Sucre

Parc Historique de la Canne à Sucre

Located in Port-au-Prince, this park traces the history of sugar cane cultivation in Haïti and its role in the country’s economy.

Haïti : Fort JacquesHaïti : Fort Jacques

Fort Jacques

Located in the mountains near Port-au-Prince, Fort Jacques is a former military fortification that offers panoramic views of the Haitian capital.


Haitian National Pantheon Museum (MUPANAH)

This museum in Port-au-Prince exhibits Haitian history and culture through a rich collection of artifacts, paintings and sculptures.

Haïti : Pointe SableHaïti : Pointe Sable

Pointe Sable

This beautiful golden sand beach, lined with coconut trees, is a great place to relax, swim and enjoy Haiti’s coastal setting.

Haïti : Île à RatHaïti : Île à Rat

Île à Rat

A small island off the northern coast of Haiti, known for its clear waters, secluded beaches and snorkeling opportunities.

VIrtually visit Île à Rat:

Hait : GeleeHait : Gelee


A golden sand beach famous for its relaxed vibe, calm waters and fresh seafood restaurants.

Haïti : Héros de VertièresHaïti : Héros de Vertières

Héros de Vertières

The site of the Battle of Vertières, where Haitian troops won a decisive victory over French forces, plays a key role in Haiti’s history.

Haïti : Cathédrale de MilotHaïti : Cathédrale de Milot

Milot Cathedral

Milot Cathedral is nestled within the magnificent Sans Souci Palace, an architectural masterpiece built in the early 19th century by Henri Christophe, a former slave who became the king of Haïti as Henri I. Henri Christophe played a key role in Haiti’s struggle for independence, alongside iconic figures such as Toussaint Louverture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines.

Haïti : Les CayemitesHaïti : Les Cayemites

Les Cayemites

A group of islands off the northern coast of Haiti, offering beaches and crystal clear waters, perfect for diving.

Haïti : Parc National MacayaHaïti : Parc National Macaya

Parc National Macaya

This national park protects a large part of Haiti’s rainforest, home to diverse flora and fauna. It is a paradise for hiking enthusiasts.

Haïti : Kenscoff et FurcyHaïti : Kenscoff et Furcy

Kenscoff and Furcy

Both of these mountain towns are surrounded by picturesque landscapes, terraced gardens, and hiking opportunities.

Haïti is full of natural and cultural beauty, offering travelers a unique experience. From heavenly beaches to cultural and natural treasures, including tasty cuisine, this country has everything to please those who wish to explore its riches.

Haïti : Royal DecameronHaïti : Royal Decameron

Royal Decameron

The Royal Decameron Indigo Beach is a beautiful resort located on the sunny coast of the Republic of Haiti. Nestled along the shores of the Caribbean Sea, this property offers travelers an exquisite getaway in a tropical paradise setting.

Discover the history of Haiti: A fascinating story to explore! :

About the Author
Appolon Guy Alain

Full Stack Developer, Créatif, expérimenté, passionné des nouvelles technologies et de l’art.

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Haitian traditions

Haiti, the pearl of the Antilles, is a country rich in history and traditions. Its vibrant and diverse culture is reflected through its national holidays, cultural festivities, traditional foods, religious beliefs, folk tales, and traditional games. Let’s immerse ourselves in the social fabric of Haïti to discover the beauty of its traditions. b~National Holidays:~b National holidays in Haïti are moments of pride and national unity as January 1, Independence Day, commemorates the victory of Haitian slaves over French colonial forces in 1804, making Haïti the first independent country in Haiti. Latin America and the Caribbean or the commemoration of the Battle of Vertières on November 18. The Battle of Vertières was one of the last great battles of the revolution. It took place in Vertières, near the town of Cap-Haitien. b~Cultural Festivities:~b Haïti is also famous for its cultural festivities, particularly Carnival, which is an explosion of color, dance, and music. Artistic and craft events, such as the Rara festival, are an opportunity for artists to showcase their talent. The Rara, a musical parade, combines folklore and spirituality, creating a unique experience. b~Traditional Foods:~b Haitian cuisine is a delight for the taste buds. Dishes like griot (fried pork), diri djon djon (rice with black mushrooms), and the legendary joumou (joumou soup) are an integral part of Haitian culinary tradition. Bold flavors, spices and cooking methods inherited from African and French tradition make Haitian cuisine unforgettable. b~Vodou:~b Vodou, often misunderstood, is a synchretic religion that incorporates elements of Catholicism, African animism, and indigenous beliefs. It plays a significant role in the daily lives of Haitians, influencing music, dance, and religious rites. Vodou is a profound expression of Haitian spirituality. The Tales (Krik Krak, Tim Tim, Bwa Sèch): Haitian folk tales, passed down from generation to generation, are rich in morality and wisdom. b~Konbit :~b The concept of Konbit represents community solidarity. Haitians come together to perform community tasks, whether in agricultural fields or for construction projects. It is a living example of the collective spirit that permeates Haitian society. The most recent major project to date concerns the construction of the canal from the Massacre River to Ouanaminthe, which took place between September and December 2023. Thousands of inhabitants of the north of the country mobilized all their forces to erect a canal allowing to collect water intended for irrigation of their plantations, with the aim of obtaining better harvests. Despite their modest means, they were motivated by the slogan "KPK" (Kanal la pap kanpe), a direct response to Dominican President Luis Abinader who warned them and did everything in his power to stop the construction of the canal. This channel represents the deep solidarity of Haitians and reaffirms national pride. Despite economic challenges, the people of northern Haïti have demonstrated exceptional determination to work together for a common goal. The slogan “Kanal la pap kanpe” embodies their resilience in the face of external pressures and demonstrates their unwavering will to continue the construction of the canal. b~Traditional Games:~b Traditional games are an essential part of daily life in Haiti. Games like lido, sote kòd, Yoyo, Ralba, Marèl, TiTaTo, Kay, lago kache, Monte kap, teke mab, woule sèk, twa fwa se manbo, and domino bring people together, promoting camaraderie and fun. Haitian traditions are a harmonious blend of spirituality, community, and cultural diversity. Every aspect, from national holidays to traditional games, helps weave the rich cultural tapestry that makes Haïti proud. These traditions are the beating heart of the nation, a precious heritage that continues to be passed down from generation to generation.

Plan your trip to Haïti

Haïti, the pearl of the Caribbean nestled west of the island of Hispaniola, offers a captivating combination of natural beauty and rich history. For an unforgettable trip, follow these wise tips to plan your stay. b~Prior Research~b Before you begin your trip, immerse yourself in Haïti’s rich culture, fascinating history, delicious cuisine and top attractions. This prior immersion will allow you to make the most of your stay and connect more easily with locals. b~Ideal time to travel~b Haïti’s mild climate throughout the year makes it an attractive tourist destination at any time. Your choice of period will depend on your preferences. If you’re passionate about cultural festivities, don’t miss the Haïtian Carnival in February, a vibrant celebration leading up to Lent. For lovers of paradise beaches like Labadee, La Côte des Arcadins, and others, summer offers a perfect mix of sun and fun times in crystal clear waters. If spirituality appeals to you, August 15 marks the Feast of the Assumption, a religious celebration marking the VIrgin Mary’s ascension into heaven. And also November 1st and 2nd are dedicated to the Day of the Dead. Families go to the cemetery to honor and decorate the graves of their deceased loved ones, creating an atmosphere steeped in memory and tradition. History buffs may choose to visit on national holidays such as National Independence Day on January 1, Flag Day on May 18, and other significant events. b~Choice of Accommodation~b Haïti offers a range of accommodation options, from luxury hotels to family-friendly B&Bs. Adapt your choice according to your budget and preferences, favoring local accommodation for a more authentic experience. b~Unmissable Tourist Sites~b Among the gems to explore, discover the majestic Citadelle Laferrière, listed as a UNESCO world heritage site, the Sans Souci Palace, the La VIsite National Park, the Milot Cathedral, Fort Jacques, the Heroes of Vertières, the Bassin Bleu , the Saut-Mathurine Waterfall, the Marie-Jeanne Cave, Kenscoff and Furcy, as well as the Saut d’Eau Waterfall. Also explore the artistic wealth of Haïti through its artisan markets. b~Taste Local Cuisine~b Haïtian cuisine is a symphony of exotic flavors. Be sure to sample local dishes such as griot and pea-sticky rice at local markets for an authentic culinary experience. b~Local Culture~b Haïtian culture, influenced by a rich history, is diverse and vibrant. Respect local customs, be open-minded and willing to learn. The warmth and hospitality of the Haïtians add a unique dimension to your experience. b~Means of Transport~b Opt for modern means of land transport such as Capital Coach Line, Transport Chic, Sans-Souci Tours, Le Transporteur, Grand Nord. For aerial explorers, easily book your flight with Sunrise Airways. Car rental is also an option for those looking for a more private experience. b~Language and Communication~b Although Haïtian Creole is the main language, French is also widely used. Learn a few basic phrases in Creole to facilitate exchanges and enrich your experience. By meticulously planning your trip to Haïti, you open yourself up to discovering the natural beauty, cultural richness, and warm hospitality of this Caribbean gem. Get ready to experience a unique and memorable adventure in Haïti.

Appolon Guy Alain: Reference Web Designer in Haiti

In the ever-changing world of web development, some names stand out for their expertise, creativity and commitment to knowledge sharing. Among them, Appolon Guy Alain shines like a beacon in the web design industry in Haiti. With more than 70 websites to his credit, intranet systems and many other projects, he is recognized as an indisputable reference in his field. What sets Apolon’s work apart are the attractive interfaces it creates. Sites such as,,,,, https ://, and many others, demonstrate his exceptional talent for combining aesthetics and functionality in a harmonious way. The key to Apolon’s success lies in its ability to merge art and technology. Before becoming an accomplished computer scientist, he was already a painter, a professional musician and a computer graphic designer. This diversity of talents gives him extraordinary creativity, allowing him to imagine unique and memorable interfaces. But Apolon not only creates remarkable websites, he also generously shares his knowledge and experience. In December 2022, he launched Coding Club Haiti, an initiative aimed at providing younger generations with the opportunities offered by the digital world. This initiative has gone beyond the borders of Haïti thanks to a collaboration with the Scientific Club of Students of the VIrtual University of Burkina Faso, thus allowing Appolon to share its knowledge with young people from Burkina Faso, and soon, other countries from Africa. Read also: For Appolon, digital represents an essential pillar for the economic development of his country, Appolon is fully committed to this change. However, Apollo does not rest on his laurels. Always eager to learn, he is currently venturing into fields such as robotics and artificial intelligence, looking forward to the challenges the future holds. If you are looking for someone to create your website, Apolon is undoubtedly the best choice. Do not hesitate to contact him on his Facebook or Instagram page, or visit his personal website at With Appolon Guy Alain, your web project is in expert and creative hands, ready to bring your most daring ideas to life. Follow Appolon on Facebook : Linkedin : Instagram : Twitter : Github :

Haiti: the Island of Lovers

The ideal place for vacations, honeymoons, excursions, sightseeing tours and much more. This paradise island, located in the south of Haiti, near Île-à-Vache, offers a picturesque setting which makes it a destination of choice. A stone’s throw from Île à Vache, a 128 km² island bathed by the crystal clear waters of the Caribbean Sea, Île des Amoureux is a true gem to explore in Haiti. Just 5.50 nautical miles from the coastal town of Les Cayes, this island is easily accessible. Travelers can reach the town of Les Cayes by car or opt for charter flights arriving at the regional airport. From the port of Les Cayes, a short 20-minute boat trip will take you to this enchanting destination. The fascinating history of Île à Vache adds an extra dimension to your experience. Once a refuge for pirates and buccaneers, this island was nicknamed "Treasure Island". Today, it continues to charm visitors with its authentic ambiance, pristine beaches and crystal clear waters. Whether you’re looking for beach relaxation, underwater adventures, a romantic getaway, an exotic adventure or cultural discoveries, Lovers’ Island has it all. Dive into the clear waters to explore colorful coral reefs, hike through lush vegetation, or soak up the bustling atmosphere of local markets. For couples looking for romance, there’s nothing like a sunset stroll on the beach, followed by a candlelit dinner under the stars. Lovers’ Island is much more than just a vacation destination, it is a true haven of peace where adventure and relaxation meet. Whether you are a lover of relaxation or an adventurer at heart, this island will seduce you with its authentic charm and breathtaking landscapes. Embark on an unforgettable getaway and discover all that Haïti has to offer on this island paradise.



First black nation to free itself from slavery and gain independence from France in 1804 and influenced other liberation movements around the world, inspiring struggles for freedom and equality.

Natural beauty

Natural beauty

Haïti is blessed with spectacular natural landscapes, including white sand beaches, mountains and rich biodiversity.



Haïti has a rich historical heritage, including sites like the Citadelle Laferrière and the Sans-Souci Palace, listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.



Haïti has a rich and diverse culture, influenced by African, European and indigenous elements. Haitian music, dance, art and cuisine are celebrated around the world.