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Citadelle Laferrière: The Largest Historical Monument in HaitiCitadelle Laferrière
Citadelle Laferrière: The Largest Historical Monument in Haiti
Citadelle Laferrière
  • May 06, 2024
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Citadelle Laferrière: The Largest Historical Monument in Haiti

Perched majestically on the verdant mountain peaks of northern Haiti, Citadelle Laferrière stands as an enduring symbol of the resilience and greatness of the Haitian nation. This impressive historical monument is much more than just a stone structure; he embodies the spirit of freedom and pride that animates the Haitian people.

Citadelle LaferrièreCitadelle Laferrière

An Architectural Masterpiece

Built in the early 19th century during the reign of King Henri Christophe, Citadelle Laferrière is an imposing fortress that was erected to protect the young Haitian state against potential attacks and to symbolize resistance against colonial oppression. Its colossal architecture, with its massive walls and imposing bastions, bears witness to the military genius of the time.

Discover the history of Haiti: A fascinating story to explore! :

Citadelle LaferrièreCitadelle Laferrière

A Historical Heritage

The Laferrière Citadel takes its name from its designer, King Henri Christophe, who named it in honor of his predecessor, Baron de Laferrière. This grandiose building, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a living testimony to the tormented history of Haiti, from its revolutionary independence in 1804 to the present day.

Citadelle LaferrièreCitadelle Laferrière

A Symbol of Resilience

Over the centuries, the Laferrière Citadel has survived political, social and natural challenges. Witness to the struggles and triumphs of the Haitian people, it remains a place of memory and reverence, where visitors can connect with the vibrant history of this Caribbean nation.

Citadelle LaferrièreCitadelle Laferrière

An Unmissable Tourist Site

Today, the Citadelle Laferrière is one of Haiti’s most popular tourist attractions, attracting visitors from around the world who come to admire its grandeur and fascinating history. Intrepid hikers can climb the steep trails to the top of the mountain to be rewarded with spectacular views of the surrounding countryside and the Caribbean Sea.

Explore the Citadelle Laferrière in virtual reality! :

The Laferrière Citadel remains not only Haiti’s largest historical monument, but also a symbol of Haitian resilience, pride and national identity. As the country moves into the future, it is essential to preserve this jewel of history for generations to come, so that it continues to inspire and captivate the world.

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Vertières, Fort Mazi: Beyond historical truth;

If you look up the word vertière in a French dictionary, you will not find it for fear that the world does not know this place represents the Achilles heels of the most powerful European army. What’s more, this one had just successfully won the eastern campaign. French historians of the time erased this geographical location from the radar of history because they did not want to tell the story as it is in the sense of explaining the first great humiliation of the expeditionary army French by bands of slaves who were totally ignorant in the art of waging war, much less in the handling of weapons. However, these illiterate wars routed the Napoleonic army, the most powerful at that time, using the means at hand. This expeditionary army, after having brought Europe to its knees, would experience its first rout by slaves in this geographical location, located in the Northern department of Haiti. Funny story, this city is not on the list of French words even though given its historical importance, it should be at the heart of universal history, far from putting an end to the invincibility of the undefeated army army. So as not to offend the white masters, no political leader has ever asked why vertière does not appear in any French dictionary? However, they celebrate this battle with great fanfare every November 18. What historic hypocrisy among our leaders! After Vertière many other historical places are strangled by historians in order to hide the extremes of atrocities of the French colonists on the slaves. It is in this context of historical strangulation that “Fort Mazi” is not mentioned in school history textbooks. This is located in Petit-Goave, 2nd municipal section, Arnoux locality. We came across this mega fort, during a mobile clinic entirely financed by the Ernest Junior foundation, a charitable foundation which works in the social sector, particularly in the field of art and music. According to residents , the oldest in this locality, this fort was built on at least 20 squares of earth by the settlers. It was a huge military complex divided into compartments, outposts, turtle rooms, rooms for treating colonists, a large Catholic church, and a cemetery. However, we never talk about this fort so much so that it is ignored by history teachers in the town of Petit-Goave. Certainly, the desired disappearance of this fort under the radar of history buries the atrocities, the barbarities, the most inhumane punishments of the colonists on the slaves. Looking closely at reality, everything seems true that it is the largest fort ever built during the period of colonization. Moreover, it probably seems the most fortified in relation to its importance. Remember that Vertière only exists in Haitian school history textbooks while Fort Mazi does not appear, much less in French dictionaries or history books. This explains why this fort was a secret place in which the settlers practiced crimes and atrocities that went beyond human understanding. Is it not a clear desire of historians to hide what this immense fort built on at least 20 tiles of earth really was? Discover the history of Haiti: A fascinating story to explore! :



First black nation to free itself from slavery and gain independence from France in 1804 and influenced other liberation movements around the world, inspiring struggles for freedom and equality.

Natural beauty

Natural beauty

Haïti is blessed with spectacular natural landscapes, including white sand beaches, mountains and rich biodiversity.



Haïti has a rich historical heritage, including sites like the Citadelle Laferrière and the Sans-Souci Palace, listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.



Haïti has a rich and diverse culture, influenced by African, European and indigenous elements. Haitian music, dance, art and cuisine are celebrated around the world.