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Saut Mathurine : A Hidden Gem in the South of HaitiSaut Mathurine, Haïti
Saut Mathurine : A Hidden Gem in the South of Haiti
Saut Mathurine, Haïti
  • May 22, 2024
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Saut Mathurine : A Hidden Gem in the South of Haiti

Located in the southern metropolis of Haiti, within the commune of Camp Perrin, near the city of Les Cayes, Saut Mathurine is one of the largest and impressive waterfalls in Haiti. this natural site is a true treasure for nature lovers, adventurers and tourists in search of authentic beauty.

If the southern region of Haïti is known for its many lush beaches under the weight of the Antilles sun, its numerous caves, forts of all kinds and other important historical sites.
Among all this great natural wealth, there are cities which stand out for their exceptional side. And which does not leave those who are willing to visit them indifferent. The Mathurine jump is precisely one of them.

The Saut Mathurine stands out for its impressive height and powerful flow, creating a breathtaking natural spectacle. The waterfall, which flows forcefully into a pool, is made up of clear, turquoise waters, while providing an idyllic and peaceful setting for those who bathe there. In other words, visitors can take advantage of this enchanting setting to relax, picnic or swim in the fresh and invigorating waters of Mathurine Falls.

Saut Mathurine, HaïtiSaut Mathurine, Haïti

Global warming is a proven danger for the site.

The impact of global warming is being seen more and more everywhere on earth and affects almost all areas of life. If the unique and spectacular side of the Mathurine jump no longer needs to be demonstrated. Like the rest of the planet, it is affected by the negative developments of climate change. Due to climatic phenomena, water is becoming increasingly rare in the springs that feed the jump. Not to mention the excessive cutting of wood by the inhabitants who make charcoal for trade and cooking food.
All of these unfortunate initiatives seem to affect the spectacle of the site at a certain level.
However, even with so much difficulty in keeping its basic natural structure, the Mathurine jump remains an exceptional site capable of awakening intensely pleasant sensations in its visitors, capable of affecting all of the human senses.
And inspire people to get involved in the fight for the preservation of nature.

Among others, Saut Mathurine at Camp Perrin is undoubtedly one of the natural wonders of Haiti. Offering a perfect blend of natural beauty, adventure and cultural richness, this site is a must-visit destination for anyone wanting to discover Haiti’s hidden treasures. Whether you are a nature lover, a history buff or an adventurer looking for new challenges, Saut Mathurine promises an unforgettable experience.

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Petit-Goave, Haiti: Decryption of the 3rd rara weekend!

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Haiti, dream space.

Between dream and Haitian reality: A call for unity and action Many men have dreamed big for Haiti. Toussaint Louverture and Jean Jacques Dessalines are examples. Although torn apart by invisible hands, the social fabric of the country had always been considered the greatest project to be set in motion by men of letters. Until then, the history of Haïti remains and remains for Haitians the most appropriate space to dream and propose full and complete freedom. Indeed, Toussaint Louverture had the dream of improving the lot of slaves. Dessalines, for his part, sacrificed himself for the independence of our island (Haiti-Saint-Domingue). After our liberation from the French, men of letters had to take other paths to safeguard the dignity of the country. This situation showed another form of revolution like poets of the patriotism school with supporters such as: Louis Joseph Janvier, Anténor Firmin, Demesvar Délorme and the Generation of the Round with Fernand Hibbert, Georges Sylvain also the indigenous school with Jean Price Mars, Jacques Stephen Alexis, Roussan Camille etc... who express their discontent by pouring ink. By describing or painting the situation of the country. Several years which were first conceived and then born the idea of ​​giving the country its sovereignty, its own bicolor, its army, etc. it was not easy and did not continue like this. Haïti needs for the moment men of dreams, men who love their countries, but not the wealth of this country, men who love the happiness of their country, but not its misfortunes, men who have viable projects , but are not specialists in carnage who are only interested in their pockets, rather for the happiness of our two-tone, men who must fight against corruption, against waste, against the invisible hands of foreigners, against this form of public administration which targets only a small group of people in the country to the detriment of the population, this form of insecurity planned by the state, the so-called bourgeoisies, economic powers from abroad such as: France, USA, Canada, Brazil. q~Haïti in 1979 with full power. Maître Fevry is said to have declared: The dream of Haïti cannot support, nor accept improvised solutions ~q. The Haitian’s dream must always be a team effort. A team of men of skill, vision, good will, reflection and meditation. q~ Men who can place their personal and private interests over public interests. Men who want to make a new start to achieve the dream of Jean Jacques Dessalines and that of Henri Christophe who aimed that Haitians will not envy any other country in the world so that all Haitians can be happy in their own country, chanted Professor Lesly Saint Roc Manigat.~q Our dear Haiti, which was once the pearl of the Antilles, is no longer present today. For this we ask all Haitians: children, young people, adults and old people, let us unite our arms, our strength, our voices and all that we could do to liberate our dear homeland Haïti Chérie. Let’s change our reality together! Long live Haiti, long live freedom for the whole world.

Haitian traditions

Haiti, the pearl of the Antilles, is a country rich in history and traditions. Its vibrant and diverse culture is reflected through its national holidays, cultural festivities, traditional foods, religious beliefs, folk tales, and traditional games. Let’s immerse ourselves in the social fabric of Haïti to discover the beauty of its traditions. b~National Holidays:~b National holidays in Haïti are moments of pride and national unity as January 1, Independence Day, commemorates the victory of Haitian slaves over French colonial forces in 1804, making Haïti the first independent country in Haiti. Latin America and the Caribbean or the commemoration of the Battle of Vertières on November 18. The Battle of Vertières was one of the last great battles of the revolution. It took place in Vertières, near the town of Cap-Haitien. b~Cultural Festivities:~b Haïti is also famous for its cultural festivities, particularly Carnival, which is an explosion of color, dance, and music. Artistic and craft events, such as the Rara festival, are an opportunity for artists to showcase their talent. The Rara, a musical parade, combines folklore and spirituality, creating a unique experience. b~Traditional Foods:~b Haitian cuisine is a delight for the taste buds. Dishes like griot (fried pork), diri djon djon (rice with black mushrooms), and the legendary joumou (joumou soup) are an integral part of Haitian culinary tradition. Bold flavors, spices and cooking methods inherited from African and French tradition make Haitian cuisine unforgettable. b~Vodou:~b Vodou, often misunderstood, is a synchretic religion that incorporates elements of Catholicism, African animism, and indigenous beliefs. It plays a significant role in the daily lives of Haitians, influencing music, dance, and religious rites. Vodou is a profound expression of Haitian spirituality. The Tales (Krik Krak, Tim Tim, Bwa Sèch): Haitian folk tales, passed down from generation to generation, are rich in morality and wisdom. b~Konbit :~b The concept of Konbit represents community solidarity. Haitians come together to perform community tasks, whether in agricultural fields or for construction projects. It is a living example of the collective spirit that permeates Haitian society. The most recent major project to date concerns the construction of the canal from the Massacre River to Ouanaminthe, which took place between September and December 2023. Thousands of inhabitants of the north of the country mobilized all their forces to erect a canal allowing to collect water intended for irrigation of their plantations, with the aim of obtaining better harvests. Despite their modest means, they were motivated by the slogan "KPK" (Kanal la pap kanpe), a direct response to Dominican President Luis Abinader who warned them and did everything in his power to stop the construction of the canal. This channel represents the deep solidarity of Haitians and reaffirms national pride. Despite economic challenges, the people of northern Haïti have demonstrated exceptional determination to work together for a common goal. The slogan “Kanal la pap kanpe” embodies their resilience in the face of external pressures and demonstrates their unwavering will to continue the construction of the canal. b~Traditional Games:~b Traditional games are an essential part of daily life in Haiti. Games like lido, sote kòd, Yoyo, Ralba, Marèl, TiTaTo, Kay, lago kache, Monte kap, teke mab, woule sèk, twa fwa se manbo, and domino bring people together, promoting camaraderie and fun. Haitian traditions are a harmonious blend of spirituality, community, and cultural diversity. Every aspect, from national holidays to traditional games, helps weave the rich cultural tapestry that makes Haïti proud. These traditions are the beating heart of the nation, a precious heritage that continues to be passed down from generation to generation.



First black nation to free itself from slavery and gain independence from France in 1804 and influenced other liberation movements around the world, inspiring struggles for freedom and equality.

Natural beauty

Natural beauty

Haïti is blessed with spectacular natural landscapes, including white sand beaches, mountains and rich biodiversity.



Haïti has a rich historical heritage, including sites like the Citadelle Laferrière and the Sans-Souci Palace, listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.



Haïti has a rich and diverse culture, influenced by African, European and indigenous elements. Haitian music, dance, art and cuisine are celebrated around the world.